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I heard this story in a farmhouse upon Dartmoor, and I give it in the words of the local doctor who told it. We were a reading-party of three undergraduates and a Christ Church don. The don had slipped on a boulder, two days before, while fishing the river Meavy, and sprained his ankle; hence Dr. Miles's visit.

She described well the awe she felt, and the power of the excitement given to her by the sight of Burke, Fox, Sheridan, and Sir Joshua Reynolds in the pit. She invited us to a private reading-party at her own house: present only her daughter, a very pretty young lady, a Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Burney, Dr. Holland, Lydia White, Mr. Harness and ourselves.

I first remember the future Bishop of London when I was fifteen, and he was reading history with my father on a Devonshire reading-party. The tall, slight figure in blue serge, the red-gold hair, the spectacles, the keen features and quiet, commanding eye I see them first against a background of rocks on the Lynton shore.

They danced together what they were pleased to call the latest thing in London, sang a duet, waltzed with the younger ladies, till hardly a head was left unturned, and, in short, sent away the ministers and their ladies, the five Miss Cameron-Campbells, the reading-party, and particularly the factor, with a new conception of a Highland chief.

Miss Vanhansen implored May to cross the herring-pond at her expense, and have a good time among the Barbarian's relations in Ol' Virginny and Kentuck. The girl who had played Alcestis wanted to inaugurate a reading-party in which May should be coached all round every day.

"It was the Long Vacation before last," said the Girton girl, "and I went on a reading-party to Bantry Bay, with Wyndham and Toole of Somerville, and Clare of Lady Margaret's. Leighton coached us." "Dear me! With all these young men, my dear?" asked the maiden aunt. "They were all women of my year, except Miss Leighton of Newnham, who was our coach," answered the Girton girl composedly. "Dear me!

Jack had never been a 'lady's man' precisely; but, as he used to say, comparing himself with me, 'he had a heart. The annals of our Cambridge days were searched in vain. I tried the country house in which he and I had spent a good many of our vacations. Suddenly I remembered the reading-party in Devonshire but no, she was dark.

Barry walked in every kind of weather, even in the July of 1920. To-day after lunch Barry said "I'm going to walk over the downs. Anyone coming?" and Gerda got up silently, as was her habit. Kay stretched himself and yawned and said "Me for the fireside. I shall have to walk every day for three weeks after to-day," for he was going to-morrow on a reading-party.

"There was what is called a Reading-party of young min, with a tutor, at the hotel," went on the priest. "Protestants they were so far as they had any religion but only wun of them attended that service. It was said he was the wun and only person able to play the piano in the hotel. Some English ladies requested him to play I believe there was some very unsuitable joking about it and he consented.

And will you explain why you call him your friend? How could you be on terms of friendship with him?" "From my childhood," said Jasmine, "I have always dressed as a boy. I went to a boy's school " "Haiyah!" interjected the maid. "And afterward I joined my husband and this gentleman, Mr. Wei, in a reading-party." "Didn't they discover your secret?" "No." "Never?" "Never."