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His features were immediately unbended, and the transition was so affecting, that he wept with joy, calling my Lord Strutwell by the appellations of Jewel, Phoenix, Rara avis; and praising God, that there was still some virtue left among our nobility.

O rara avis in terris, oh phoenix! oh pearl! you don't understand me!!! Well, I am come expressly, however, to make myself understood. Must I put the dots on the i's for you? You don't understand me, you say? Surely, you are making fun of me. Come, look me straight in the face; in the white of my eyes ... yes, like that, and dare to tell me that you have not understood me, and keep serious.

When dinner was over, being reminded by Sophia of his news, he began as follows: "I believe, lady, your ladyship observed a young woman at church yesterday at even-song, who was drest in one of your outlandish garments; I think I have seen your ladyship in such a one. However, in the country, such dresses are Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillima cygno.

Also, E. Morselli, 'Sopra una rara anomalia dell' osso malare, Modena, 1872. Still more recently Gruber has written a pamphlet on the division of this bone. This is its condition in the human foetus when two months old; and through arrested development, it sometimes remains thus in man when adult, more especially in the lower prognathous races.

Inglewood took the paper from his hand, and read, half aloud, "These are to certify, that the bearer, Robert Campbell of of some place which I cannot pronounce," interjected the Justice "is a person of good lineage, and peaceable demeanour, travelling towards England on his own proper affairs, &c. &c. &c. Given under our hand, at our Castle of Inver Invera rara Argyle."

The other division of them, the prigs, are truly not to be endured, for they are but half learned, are ignorant of the world, narrow-minded, pedantic, and overbearing. And now and then you meet with a rara avis who is accomplished and agreeable, a man of the world without licentiousness, of learning without pedantry, and pious without sanctimony; but this is a rara avis'.

Ca' hooly, sirs, as ye, wad win an auld man's blessing! mind there's naebody below now to haud the gy Hae a care o' the Cat's-lug corner bide weel aff Crummie's-horn!" "Have a care indeed," echoed Oldbuck. "What! is it my rara avis my black swan my phoenix of companions in a post-chaise? take care of him, Mucklebackit."

If he is dissatisfied with his pay, Captain, Lieutenant and Colonel chip in they cannot afford to lose him. He is a rara avis the apple of their eye. His first requirement is that he must be able to lick any man in the company. A drunken private may damn a captain upside down and wrong-side out, and the captain is not allowed to reply.

What can be greater than either the Thought or the Expression in that Stanza, To drive the Deer with Hound and Horn Earl Piercy took his Way; The Child may rue that was unborn The Hunting of that Day! 'Audiet pugnas vilio parentum Rara juventus'. Hor. What can be more sounding and poetical, resemble more the majestic Simplicity of the Ancients, than the following Stanzas?

I cannot flatter myself that I am about to present to your notice that rara avis, a new character yet there is something interesting, and even unhacknied, in the retired and simple class to which he belongs: and before I proceed to a darker period in my memoirs, I feel a calm and tranquillizing pleasure in the rest which a brief and imperfect delineation of my college companion, affords me.