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But that rara avis, a really rich man, found her very kind to him. "Well, you can guess the result. When she was not quite eighteen, a man who was beyond question a millionaire proposed to her, and she accepted him. He was nearly twenty years older than she was, and was certainly big, heavy, and oversated.

Gibbs, Fitzgerald, and I, could cruise around and find a meal, which cost three dollars, at some of the many restaurants which had sprung up out of red-wood boards and cotton lining; but the general and ladies could not go out, for ladies were rara aves at that day in California.

There is first the awful power that evil once done has over us of repeating itself on and on. There is nothing more dreadful to a reflective mind than the damning influence of habit. The man that has done some wrong thing once is a rara avis indeed. If once, then twice; if twice, then onward and onward through all the numbers.

As an example of a style to be carefully avoided the following is in point. It is also a rara avis; a gem of purest ray.

"Yes?" says the professor, as if asking for an explanation of the joke. "Oh! nothing nothing. Only you are such a queer fellow!" says Hardinge, sitting up again to look at him. "You are a rara avis, do you know? No, of course you don't! You are one of the few people who don't know their own worth.

"Don't you think, mother," said Emily, "that you can manage to find, me a girl as good as Pedy?" "I think it will be impossible. Pedy is a kind of rara avis in all that appertains to housekeeping. She excels in everything. You will be obliged now to limit your expectations. If you can obtain a girl who knows how to cook well, it is the best you can hope to do.

I suppose you know you have the best man in all the world for your guardian? But it was a little unkind of your people, was it not, to give you into the keeping of a confirmed bookworm a savant with scarcely a thought beyond his studies?" "He could study me!" says she. "I should be a fresh specimen." "A rara avis, indeed! but not such as the professor's soul covets.

And Lucia, in spite of her indignation, could not restrain a laugh as she looked, half shy, half saucy, into her mother's face. Mrs. Costello laughed too; but there was as deep a flush on her cheek as on her daughter's, and her heart throbbed painfully. "Well," she said, "but this rara avis was not named?" "Yes she was. Oh! I can't tell you all; but you know Maurice was there, and Mr.

Después de haber tributado el debido homenaje de elogios que de nuestra pluma reclamaba imperiosamente la divertida comedia del señor Gorostiza ¿nos será permitido indicar algunos de los defectos de que rara obra humana consigue verse completamente purgada? ¿Se dirá que nos ensangrentamos, que somos parciales, si ponemos al lado del elogio el grito de nuestra conciencia literaria?

I mean not to derogate anything from king James’s duly-deserved praise, nor to obscure his never-dying memory; only I say, that such a prince as the Bishop speaketh of, who knoweth what is fit for a church to have, and what not, better than many learned and godly pastors assembled in a synod, is rara avis in terris nigroque simillima Cygno.