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Updated: August 22, 2024

Why, Charles, being a quitter is the one thing that you've most hated all your life. And I, too, have hated it. No, you can't quit, because you're held here by duty by duty to yourself, by duty to those men and women, our little brothers and sisters, who depend on you for their livelihood."

We've got to run this till we can sell it, wimmen or no wimmen and you hadn't ought to be a quitter with thutty-five hunderd in it." But there was very little enthusiasm or determination in the Cap'n's face. The sullenness deepened there when he saw a vehicle turn in at the tavern yard. It was a red van on runners, and on its side was inscribed: T. BRACKETT, TINWARE AND YANKEE NOTIONS.

More than once Lord James urged him to go home and turn in. Blake's reply was that he knew he ought not to have come to the ball, but since he had come, he proposed to stick it out, he would not be a quitter. So he stayed on, hour after hour, weary-eyed and taciturn, but by no means ill-humored.

I reckon a university must be run a good bit like a penitentiary. But as I said, she wasn't no quitter, an' I reckon, takin' it all in all, she give 'em back about as good as they sent. Course we could see a lot o' change in her when she'd first come back, but it seemed to slide off as the tan came on, an' by the time she left in the fall again she'd be purty much the same old Barbie.

"I'm going to fall back on it to-night," decided Jane suddenly. "Let's have a dinner party." "Can't go. I am the proud possessor of one dollar and two cents," Judith ruefully admitted. "This is to be my party," emphasized Jane. "I haven't touched my last check yet. I've been too busy studying to partify. Now don't be a quitter, Judy. I want to do this."

Gantry left his chair and came to stand beside the quitter. "Honestly, Evan," he said slowly, "I thought you were a grown man. You'll forgive the mistake, won't you?" Blount turned upon his tormentor and swore pathetically. "What's the use what in the devil is the use?" he rasped, when the outburst began to grow measurably articulate.

I'm going to find Desiree if I can, and, by the Lord, some day I'm going to cock my feet up on the fender at the Midlothian and make 'em open their mouths and call me a liar!" "A worthy ambition." "My own. And, Paul, you can't you're not a quitter." "Personally, yes. If I were here alone, Hal" I picked up one of the spears and passed my palm over its sharp point "I would quit cold.

I got something to tell you that'll make your hair curl. You're right, I ain't your brother. I'm Nick Struve Wolf Struve if you like that better. I lied you into believing me your brother, who ain't ever been anything but a skim-milk quitter. He's dead back there in the cactus somewhere, and I killed him!" Terror flooded her eyes. Her very breathing hung suspended.

"What is it? Are you ill?" she whispered. "No," he replied. He thrust his shaking hands into his coat pockets, forced himself to take a deep breath, and added in a thick, half- inarticulate mutter, "no won't give in not a quitter." She could not catch the words, but the resolute tone reassured her. "It's the air in here. It's stifling.

That must be tough business being gay. Don't let it harden your heart as gayety like that could so easily do. And remember you're going on! You're not a quitter. And it's only the quitters stop when they fall down."

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