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Updated: August 29, 2024

And that he is great enough to bear this incarnation is a sufficient measure of his greatness. Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho, explicada y comentada, por M. de Unamuno: Madrid, Fernando , 1905. These three novels appeared together as Tres Novelas y un Prólogo Calpe, Madrid, 1921. "Me va interesando ese Dean Inge," he wrote to me last year.

His chivalry, his fine sense of honour, are nothing if not quixotic, as we understand the word; and just as in Scotland alone does one appreciate the characters in Sir Walter Scott's novels, so in Spain does one feel that, with due allowance for a spirit of kindly caricature, Don Quijote de la Mancha is not only possible, but it is a type of character as living to-day as it was when the genius of Cervantes distilled and preserved for all time that most quaint, lovable, inconsequent, and chivalrous combination of qualities which constitute a Spanish gentleman.

Of such kind is human faith; of such kind was the heroic faith that Sancho Panza had in his master, the knight Don Quijote de la Mancha, as I think I have shown in my Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho; a faith based upon incertitude, upon doubt.

Si la comedia pedía un carácter, era preciso no haber pasado los límites de la verosimilitud, pues pasándolos, Matilde no resulta enamorada sino maniática; por eso en varias ocasiones parece que ella misma se burla de sus desatinos: lo mismo hubiera sucedido con don Quijote si no nos hubiera dicho Cervantes desde el principio: "Miren ustedes que está loco."

And I myself uttered the cry, "Down with Don Quixote!" and from this blasphemy, which meant the very opposite of what it said such was the fashion of the hour sprang my Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho and my cult of Quixotism as the national religion.

Don Quijote de la Mancha himself could scarcely have made a more pure-intentioned yet more unpractical President.

How glorious was that right hand is known to all readers of El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. The losses at the battle of Lepanto are something so prodigious that imagination boggles at them. It is said that the Christians lost five thousand men and the Turks no less than thirty thousand. Enormous as these numbers are, they represent probably a very conservative estimate of the loss.

Augustus laughed long and loud; shook hands with him heartily; paid him the money down, and gave him his liberty into the bargain; whereafter soon this Quijote espanol married a Roman wife, and as Caius Julius Corocottus "lived happily ever after."

One of the most curious instances of this survival of chivalry occurred in Spain in the first half of the fifteenth century, and after commanding the admiration of Europe furnished Don Quijote with an admirable argument for the existence of Amadis of Gaul and his long line of successors.

No quiero acordarme, a phrase that is always associated in Spanish literature with the opening sentence of Don Quijote: En an lugar de la Mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme. W. Hermann, Christlich systematische Dogmatik, in the volume entitled Systematische christliche Religion. Die Kultur der Gegenwart series, published by P. Hinneberg.

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