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'Glad to see me! the old gentleman muttered, querulously. 'Of course, glad to see a customer! Why do you tell me that? Talk! tattle! might as well have a woman to wait just! He wiped his forehead largely with his handkerchief; as one whom Calamity hunted a little too hard in summer weather. 'No tumbling-room for the wine, too! That was his next grievance.

Their heads were giddy, their hearts throbbing, and their stomachs at war with all solid food. The tropical marsh fever had them in its grip, and the grasp was tightening every moment. The trees swayed dismally in the breeze, and the birds chattered querulously at being disturbed.

He laid the money and Fred's receipt upon the table and set Patsy's plate over them to hold them safe against the wind that rattled the shack. He had forgotten all about the three approaching riders, until Patsy turned upon him sharply. "Vot schrapes you been into now?" he demanded querulously. "Py cosh you done somet'ings. It's der conshtable comin' alreatty. I bet you be pinched."

"Your eyelashes are too long," he complained querulously. "Eh?" jerked the White Linen Nurse's face. "Is it your brain that's hurt? Oh, sir, do you think it's your brain that's hurt?" "It's my stomach!" snapped the Senior Surgeon. "I tell you I 'm not hurt, I'm just squashed! I'm paralyzed! If I can't get this car off me " "Yes, that's just it," beamed the White Linen Nurse's face.

"He was more tender to dead soldiers than to the living," says a chronicler querulously; "and found far more sorrow in the loss of those who were slain than comfort in the love of those who remained." His pitiful temper was early shown in his determination to put down the barbarous treatment of shipwrecked sailors.

Ought he to have acted as he had done seventeen years before? How would his mother have judged him? Was he not in some small degree responsible? Meanwhile his father began to talk fast and querulously, with plentiful oaths from time to time, and using a local miner's slang which was not always intelligible to Anderson.

"I declare, Katherine, you are quite supplanting me with those boys!" exclaimed their mother, querulously. "Ada, I would not for the world wean them from you, if I mean" stopping the words which rushed to her lips. "I should be sorry. But you have new ties another boy. Could you not spare Cis and Charlie to me for I have no one?" "I am sure that is your own fault.

"Monsieur, Monsieur!" came the voice from inside the house, querulously and anxiously. Charley entered the Notary's bedroom. "Monsieur," said the Notary excitedly, "she is here Paulette is here. My wife is asleep, thank God! but old Sophie has just told me that the woman asks to see me. Ah, Heaven above, what shall I do?" "Will you leave it to me?" "Yes, yes, Monsieur."

"I thought you was never coming," said she, querulously, as he entered the room; "I have been waiting tea until I am almost starved." "You needn't have waited a moment, for you will be obliged to eat alone after all; I'm going out. Pour me out a cup of tea I'll drink it whilst I'm dressing; and," continued Mr.

He had lost touch through a false step, the discussion of which has no place in a life of Nelson, beyond the remark that it was Keith's own error, not that of Lord St. Vincent, as Nelson afterwards mistakenly alleged; querulously justifying his own disobedience on the ground that Keith, by obeying against his judgment, had lost the French fleet.