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Then he lifted his lantern, found the latch, and led the way into the house. I went after him into a low unlit passage, at the back of which a ladder-like staircase rose into obscurity. On our right a line of light marked the door of the room which had sent its ray across the night; and behind the door I heard a woman's voice droning querulously.

The wind roared through the creaking oaks; the horses stirred complainingly, the bells on their backs crying out querulously; the heads of the fortunates inside were shadowed outside on the snow, and the restless young men amused themselves betting on which head was Bensen and which Councill. At last some one pounded on the desk inside.

Inside of the Grand Pacific, a gramophone querulously sang "Any Rags, Any Bones, Any Bottles To-day" to a delighted company of listeners. When Tom entered he was received with the greatest cordiality by the bartender and others. "Here is life and good-fellowship," Tom thought to himself, "here's the place to have a good time."

As Hallowell, supported by Rainey, sank into the invalid's chair in the centre of the semicircle, Gaylor made his final appeal. "Stephen," he begged, "are you sure you're feeling strong enough? Won't some other night " The old man interrupted him querulously. "No, now! I want it over," he commanded. "Who knows," he complained, "how soon it may be before "

We hear little or nothing of them or their wisdom henceforth, except at Athens, where Proclus, Marinus, Isidore, and others kept up 'the golden chain of the Platonic succession, and descended deeper and deeper, one after the other, into the realms of confusion confusion of the material with the spiritual, of the subject with the object, the moral with the intellectual; self-consistent in one thing only, namely, in their exclusive Pharisaism utterly unable to proclaim any good news for man as man, or even to conceive of the possibility of such, and gradually looking with more and more complacency on all superstitious which did not involve that one idea, which alone they stated, namely, the Incarnation; craving after signs and wonders, dabbling in magic, astrology, and barbarian fetichisms; bemoaning the fallen age, and barking querulously at every form of human thought except their own; writing pompous biographies, full of bad Greek, worse taste, and still worse miracles....

The porter hardly deigned to swing the door for me." Marcia, knowing Iddilcar as she did, was prompt to take this speech in the light of an explanation of his eavesdropping; but the once sharp intelligence of Calavius had been too much deadened to search for secondary meanings. "I am an old man, priest," he said querulously. "Why should I leave stripes and crying behind me?"

A few minutes later the sound of his horse's hoofs rang sharply from the icy hillside. But, as he reached the summit, two horsemen wheeled suddenly from the shadow of the roadside, and bade him halt. "Capt. Brewster, if this moon does not deceive me?" queried the foremost stranger with grave civility. "The same. Major Van Zandt, I calculate?" returned Brewster querulously.

At her cry, the sand-hill began to quiver and shake strangely. It heaved up, and an old man's head, with a long grey beard, appeared in the middle; followed slowly by a little brown-coated body. "What is the matter, God-daughter? Your tears trickled down to me and woke me up, just as I was comfortably sleeping," he said querulously. "They're saltier than the sea, and I can't stand them."

Thee will never be a true friend, thee will never love truly man or woman, and thee will never find man or woman who will love thee truly, or will be with thee to aid thee in the dark and falling days." "Then," he broke in sharply, querulously, "then, I will stand alone. I shall never come whining that I have been ill-used, to fate or fortune, to men or to the Almighty." "That I believe.

Before I left, Langworth drew from me the admission that I was away behind in my board bill at the Farmers' Restaurant. My hopes of making immediate money as a writer of poems for the magazines had so far been barren of fruit. "Sh! sit down a minute and wait." His wife was coming downstairs, querulously, waveringly; her eyes red from weeping. "Laddie has just died." "The shepherd dog?"