Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: November 24, 2024

She pushed her fingers through her fallen hair, and idly over the shimmering stuff of her gown. Far above her she saw waveringly the stars. Finally the idea of sleep came to her, just as the idea of walking had come to her before. She sank to her knees, hesitated a moment, and then, with the sigh of a tired child, she pillowed her head on her soft round arm and closed her eyes.

Maria broke from his grasp and started down the line fence. In a few strides Abram had her in his arms, his withered cheek with its springtime bloom pressed against her equally withered, tear-stained one. "Maria," he whispered, waveringly, "Maria, honey, I wasn't meanin' any disrespect to the sex." Maria wiped her eyes on the corner of her shawl.

Then she went and found her mother's wrap and brought it. "Put it on," she said. Molly laughed rebelliously, then waveringly. "We are going home," said the daughter. Molly essayed to put it on but didn't seem able to find the hooks, and Alexina, hardening her heart, would not help her, but went to find Georgy.

Round swung the glass, slowly, waveringly, in her unpractised hand, from the low cypress forests of Manchac on the west, to the skies that glittered over the unseen marshes of the Rigolets on the farthest east. "You see sail yondeh?" came the slow inquiry from behind. "No," said Mary, letting the instrument down, and resting it on the balustrade. "Humph! No! Dawn't I tell you is no use look?"

"And what in the world can that be?" cried Mr. Bingle. "We were married two months ago, Mr. Bingle," said Mrs. Richard Flanders guiltily. It was some time before they could make him believe it. She revealed her wedding ring suspended about her neck and then Mr. Bingle kissed her very soberly and with tears in his eyes. "Two months ago!" he said, waveringly.

He's having his wheat thrashed; met one of the men taking more sacks out just now. He says it will be nine o'clock before they finish." Still she hesitated, looking down at him. "Come!" he insisted, "I've something very important to tell you." "Are you sure it's important?" she asked waveringly. "Absolutely!

He looked at it for a second, then into her eyes, waveringly, uncertain as to the impulse that moved her. He suddenly regained control of himself. He grasped the slender hand in his great, crushing fingers; the sullen, repellent glare leaped back into his eyes; alert and shifty, he held up his free hand to command the silence of David.

And the moon was going out; the shadows swept one by one over the windows; she stared at the moonlit face for a last fascinated glance Mother of God! it was The shadow swept over them, and now only remained the blazing eyes and the dim outline of a form that crouched waveringly before her as a cat crouches, drawing its vibrating body together for the spring that blots out the life of the victim.

There are dogs whose shyness is put to it to endure human observation and a direct address to them, even on the part of their masters; and these dear simple dogs wag tail and turn their heads aside waveringly, as though to entreat you not to eye them and talk to them so. General Ople, in the presence of the sketchbook, was much like the nervous animal. He would fain have run away.

Then for some reason, she ceased to think of herself and thought of him. She considered: had he made no effort? had he felt no pain? She saw how he had waveringly tried to avoid her at first, and how, at last, he had tried to warn her.

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