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Updated: August 8, 2024

She put up a most splendid monument to her departed lord over the family vault of the Bluebeards. The rector, Dr. Sly, who had been Mr. Bluebeard's tutor at college, wrote an epitaph in the most pompous yet pathetic Latin: "Siste, viator! moerens conjux, heu! quanto minus est cum reliquis versari quam tui meminisse"; in a word, everything that is usually said in epitaphs.

With amiable and becoming diffidence Miss Georgiana was compelled to comply the count was surprised and charmed by her voice: then she was prevailed upon to try "Quanta O quanto e amor possente" the count, who was enthusiastically fond of music, seemed quite enchanted; and Mrs. Falconer took care that he should have this impression left full and strong upon his mind supper was announced.

*... Si ergo a corpore removeatur omne illud per quod actioni animæ resistit, simpliciter erit anima perfectior in tali corpore existens quam separata: quanto autem perfectius in esse, tanto perfectius potest operari. Unde et operatio animæ conjunctæ tali corpori erit perfectior quam operatio animæ separatæ.

This is, however, the language he uses about nearly all foreigners Spaniards, French, and English. Lib. i. cap. 96. "Io ero tutto armato di maglia con istivali grossi e con uno scoppietto in mano, e pioveva quanto Iddio ne sapeva mandare," &c. Lib. i. cap. 98. Ib. cap. 101. See lib. i. cap. 38, 43.

O Buondelmonte, quanto mal fuggisti Le nozze sue per gli altrui conforti! Molti sarebber lieti, che son tristi, Se Dio t' avesse conceduto ad Ema La prima volta ch' a citta venisti. Ma conveniasi a quella pietra scema Che guarda il ponte, che Fiorenza fesse Vittima nella sua pace postrema.

Although he did not reject the latter or say anything about it, yet at this interview and at others with Fray Geronymo whom Daifu had given permission to appear in public in his religious habit, and to whom he furnished the necessary support he treated only of friendship with the governor of Manila, of the Spaniards' coming yearly with ships from Manila to trade at Quanto, where the Japanese had a port, and an established commerce with the Spaniards.

He quoted Dante: "Quanto la cosa è più perfetta, più senta il bene, e così la doglienza." "I don't wish to prove that I'm high up in the scale by suffering," she said. "Do you?" "Ought not the artist to be ready for every experience?" he answered. And she thought she detected in his voice a creeping of irony.

Having shown that we are au fait both as to the thing and the market-price that we had read Myounet, and were acquainted with the sharp eyes of de Dominicis at Rome, we pass immediately for an English dealer; and suspicion becomes conviction, when, taking up a gold Philip, we remark that "all trades must live," and that our price must depend upon his "quanto per il Filippo?"

The Abby, still following him with his eyes from the window, cried: "Be prudent, whatever may happen," and sent him with his hands one more paternal blessing, saying, "Poor child! poor child!" Oh, vendetta di Dio, quanto to dei Esser temuta da ciascun che legge Cio, che fu manifesto agli occhi miei.

Tienen en tan poco el oro, q dio este rey por vn pretal de cascaueles, tres barchillas de oro en poluo: porq alli todo quanto oro ay es en poluo.

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