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Full and open, and never quailing, had the dark eyes been fixed upon the judge all the time; and at those last words, the head bent low, and the lips moved for 'Amen.

But reticence had necessarily cost something to this impassioned woman, and she was the bitterer for it. There is no quailing even that forced on the helpless and injured which has not an ugly obverse: the withheld sting was gathering venom.

"And your father is an admiral!" "I think it is only fair," said Miss Lindsay, quailing, but assuming the tone of a moralist. "It is perfectly true." "All my money was made in trade," said Agatha; "but I should be ashamed to save myself by shifting blame to your aristocratic shoulders. You pitiful thing! Here: give me the pen." "I will strike it out if you wish; but I think "

"So you have come at last!" she said, panting, glaring at Felix with scorn, passionate scorn in word and gesture. "Where were you while these slaves of yours did your bidding? At the Sorbonne with the black crows! Thinking out fresh work for them? Or dallying with your Normandy sweetheart?" "Hush!" he said, lowering his eyes, and visibly quailing before her. "There is a stranger here."

"Give me another answer like that," he said in a tone of cold ferocity, "and I'll kick you from here to Paradise." "No offense no offense," muttered the man, quailing before the savagery of the formidable Chief Inspector. "You come this way, please. Some ladies call upon me this evening, and I do not want to frighten them." "No," said Kerry, "you wouldn't, naturally."

Larry sat, fondling the old setter's chestnut head, thinking it all over, flaming again at the remembered insults, quailing at the possibilities as they concerned Christian. Once she had appeared at the top of the stairs, and said the single word, "Better!" before she vanished. One half of Larry's mind said "Better? What do I care? Better if he dies, if he comes between me and her!"

Isabel had retreated as far as she could from their hands, but she showed no signs of quailing; her eyes were bright, her colour high, and the hand was firm which she gave to Louis as she stepped out. There was a murmur of admiration, and more than one bow and muttered apology about necessity and the nation, as the crowd beheld the maiden in all her innate nobleness and dignity.

'How dull the streets are, she remarked. 'They are, just now, said Ammiani, thinking of them on the night to come convulsed with strife, and of her, tossed perhaps like a weed along the torrent of bloody deluge waters. Her step was so firm, her face so assured, that he could not fancy she realized any prospect of the sort, and it filled him with pity and a wretched quailing.

As the old love quails the new love will fetch up but time given for quailing, Tris, for all that. Denas had a sight of trouble, Tris; she may well be feared to try matrimony again." "I would try and make her happy. I would be a good husband." "Husbands! husbands! Tris, they be like pilchards the bad ones are very bad and the best ones be but middling."

The money is not mine, and I shall not give it up." "Take care!" said the other, menacingly, "we are alone here. You are a boy and I am a man." "I know that; but you will have to fight to get the money," said Herbert, without quailing. He looked to the staircase, but his treacherous guide stood between him and it, and he was practically a prisoner at the top of the monument.