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In the solitude of his camp that evening Tecumseh was forced to acknowledge defeat. The young Governor instead of quailing had remained firm it was plain that he was the chosen plenipotentiary of his government in all the treaties that had been effected.

Hammersmith, at sight of her open, not unpleasing face, understood for the first time the decided attitude of the coroner. If this woman corroborated her husband's account, the poor young girl, with her incongruous beauty and emotional temperament, would not have much show. He looked to see her quailing now. But instead of that she stood firm, determined, and feverishly beautiful.

Every heart fluttered between illusion and reality, and every breast panted with undefined terror, quailing before the awful power that watches secret crimes and winds unseen the skein of destiny. At that moment a cry burst forth from one of the uppermost benches "Look! look! comrade, yonder are the cranes of Ibycus!"

Simon turned quickly round and prepared to retaliate, but quailing under the stern glance of his better half, he obeyed her will, and meekly slunk out through the open door. "I'll teach him, sir, how to behave to his betters," said the woman, turning to Manners. "He shall have a thrashing for this." Much amused, the captive esquire thanked her warmly for her kindness.

He admitted to himself that he never could have taken it on his conscience to subdue a human creature's struggling will, as Rhoda had not hesitated to do with Dahlia, and to command her actions, and accept all imminent responsibilities; not quailing with any outcry, or abandonment of strength, when the shock of that revelation in the vestry came violently on her.

In their native mountains of Epirus, the name of Suliote was now blotted from the books of life, and was heard no more in those wild sylvan haunts, where once it had filled every echo with the breath of panic to the quailing hearts of the Moslems.

The outskirts of action no longer sufficed, but with an elemental ardor and elation his blood glowed in his veins. When at last all that could be done had been done, the east was beginning to take on a sort of ashen light the forerunner of dawn. Alexander had held to the sticking-point the quailing energies of spent men for more than six agonized hours.

Then they reckoned up the hours left for them to learn Epicharmos of Kos in, between Monday noon and Thursday morning at nine, and their quailing chill increased. A tutor must be called in at once. So the grasshoppers, having money, sought out and quickly purchased the ant. Closeted with Oscar and his notes, they had, as Bertie put it, salted down the early Greek bucks by seven on Monday evening.

But even as he spoke Griffeth saw the change that came over his brothers' faces as they looked past him to something behind; then as he himself turned quickly to see what it was, he beheld their father and two of the servants approaching; and Res Vychan pointed sternly to the two dark-leaded boys, now involuntarily quailing beneath the fiery indignation in his eyes, and said: "Bind them hand and foot and carry them to the castle.

His bold defiant gaze fell, quailing and scowling, he seemed to become small, shrink away, and disappeared. 'When scamp number two looks round for scamp number one, he is lost in the crowd, muttered the traveller, half smiling; then, with a deep breath, 'The hard-hearted rascal! If one could only wring his neck! Heaven help the victim! though, no doubt, pity is wasted on him.