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"Well, what do you advise me to do, then?" asked Trevor, impressed by the unwonted earnestness with which the Irishman delivered this pugilistic homily, which was a paraphrase of the views dinned into the ears of every novice by the school instructor. "I must do something." "The best thing ye can do," said O'Hara, thinking for a moment, "is to put on the gloves and have a round or two with me.

The laws of pugilistic war will not suffer a man to lie, after being knocked down, more than a certain number of seconds. Hector had his stop-watch in his hand; and tall Andrews joined him, to enforce the rule in all its rigour. I was lifted on my feet before I had perfectly recovered my recollection; and was again knocked down, though with less injury.

In his "introduction" he satisfied some curiosity, but raised still more, when speaking of the English Gypsies and especially of their eminence "in those disgraceful and brutalising exhibitions called pugilistic combats." "When a boy of fourteen," he says, "I was present at a prize fight; why should I hide the truth?

The ramparts were covered with soldiers, who, armed merely with their bayonets, stood grouped in careless attitudes some with their wives leaning on their arms others with their children upraised, that they might the better observe the enlivening sports without some lay indolently with their legs overhanging the works others, assuming pugilistic attitudes, dealt their harmless blows at each other, and all were blended together, men, women, and children, with that heedlessness of thought that told how little of distrust existed within their breasts.

Here's Moriarty at last. We'll get him to time us." As much explanation as was thought good for him having been given to the newcomer, to account for Trevor's newly-acquired taste for things pugilistic, Moriarty took the watch, with instructions to give them two minutes for the first round. "Go as hard as you can," said O'Hara to Trevor, as they faced one another, "and hit as hard as you like.

Isaac Barrow, when at the Charterhouse School, was notorious for his pugilistic encounters, in which he got many a bloody nose; Andrew Fuller, when working as a farmer's lad at Soham, was chiefly famous for his skill in boxing; and Adam Clarke, when a boy, was only remarkable for the strength displayed by him in "rolling large stones about," the secret, possibly, of some of the power which he subsequently displayed in rolling forth large thoughts in his manhood.

The tramp threw a pitying glance of scorn at the pugilistic whisky- seller, as he replied: "Be gorra, ye damned fool, do you think that I'd be after givin' myself away like this if I WAS one?" "In course ye wouldn't," broke in Barney. "Don't be a fool, Jerry, this man is no detective," and Barney fastened the star to the vest which encircled the portly form of the bar-keeper.

"O monsieur," said Baptiste, lowering his hands, and assuming that politeness of demeanour which seems inseparable from French blood, however much mixed with baser fluid, "I was just giving that dog a thrashing, monsieur." "Go!" cried Mr. Kennedy in a voice of thunder, turning to Hugh, who still stood in a pugilistic attitude, with very little respect in his looks.

The real spirit of bullyism, of the cockpit and the pugilistic ring, has been exhibited in this interchange of newspaper opinion. The more is the reason why we should not overlook or be blind to the real grievances in the case, nor fail to give expression to them in the strongest way of which their emphatic, but unembittered, statement will admit.

But England is the land of prize-fights, of scientific brutality, which has flourished under the patronage of her hereditary legislators and other "Corinthian" supporters. The pugilistic dynasty came in with the House of Brunswick, and has held divided empire with it ever since.