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Puffie was really very nice, and he had a good name, but those gentlemen, while looking at her, smiled very agreeably, and one of them said to her father: "How time passes! Not long ago I saw your younger daughter a little child, and now " The other interrupted: "She is almost grown. And as tall it seems as her elder sister."

I say, Puffie, here's a letter with no address on it. Forgotten the address, Miss Mapp? Think they'll remember it at the post office? Well, that's one of the mos' comic things I ever came across. An, an anonymous letter, eh?" The night air began to have a most unfortunate effect on Puffin. When he came out it would have been quite unfair to have described him as drunk.

I will take Puffie, but I will cover him with that blanket which I finished embroidering yesterday. Is mamma well?" "Why do you ask about mamma?" "Because, when I gave her 'good-morning, I thought that she was ill, she was so pale pale. I asked her, but she said: 'Oh, it is nothing, I am well. Still it seems to me " "Let nothing seem to you!" Irene interrupted her almost angrily.

She bowed man-fashion, knocking her heels together, and then pushing apart her little, slippered feet, and Puff tugged at the edge of her dress, sprang away, barked repeatedly, and seized her dress in his teeth again. "Puffie, don't hinder me! Puffie, go away! Some go out, others come. Again: 'I have the honor! I wish to have the honor! Puffie, go away! They press your hand, father.

Greuze's picture was not there, still the vision was present. With eyes raised toward it Darvid smiled. "Yes, little one, quickly." He took a pen and began a telegram to Irene. He penned the address, and then wrote: "Come as quickly as possible for Puffie." He put the pen down, rang, and told the footman to send the telegram immediately.

"She is sleeping," whispered Cara, and after a while she looked around, and, in a lower voice, called: "Puffie! Puffie!" At this call the little dog sprang from a neighboring chair, and in the twinkle of an eye was on the bed. Cara stroked the silken coat of the dog, and bending toward him whispered: "Puffie! Puffie! dear, little dog! lie here, sleep for thyself!"

The soles of Cara's feet struck the floor time after time with delight. "Yes, yes! I was sure of that! My best, dearest father " Stroking her hair, he added: "We must be kind. Be kind always. Keep the life in gray-haired, nice old men. You will never lack money for that." She kissed his hands; suddenly her glance fell on her father's desk, and she cried: "Puffie! Puffie! where have you climbed to?

She did not look at these flowers, but the slender, dry, rosy hand of the girl worked and worked on, pushing from the bed the rich twigs and beautiful flowers, which fell, one after another, with a dull rustle on the carpet. She wanted nothing. But in the night, when Malvina and Miss Mary thought that she was sleeping, a whisper was heard in the deep stillness calling: "Puffie! Puffie!"

Darvid bent low with his hand on the silky coat, and repeated: "Puffie!" Then he straightened himself, and, leaving the window, called several times in succession: "Puffie! Puffie!" The black line moved on, in the gray darkness, through two drawing-rooms, and behind it, on the floor, rolled the dark small ball-like object, till a space of bright light gleamed before them.

What shall we do now, Puffie? How shall we go in there?" After a moment's thought and hesitation she stepped in very quietly under the drapery of the portiere, and in the twinkle of an eye was sitting on a small, low stool which stood behind a tall case of shelves filled with books, which, placed near the door, formed with two walls a narrow, triangular space.