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What if some of these wildings are acrid and puckery, genuine verjuice, do they not still belong to the Pomaceae, which are uniformly innocent and kind to our race? I still begrudge them to the cider-mill. Perhaps they are not fairly ripe yet. No wonder that these small and high-colored apples are thought to make the best cider.

"By gum, if you ain't right!" exclaimed one of the audience. "Say, come to think about it, I wonder if spendin' all his nights with bright lights burnin' round him is whut's give that old man that gray color he's got, the same as this wasp's nest has got it, and all them puckery lines round his eyes. Pore old devil, with the hags furever ridin' him!

The puckery little lines were still in her forehead, and the laughter had faded out of her eyes. The tiny lines deepened as there came another wild roar of laughter from Bateese in the stern. "Is it true that you have given your word to fight Bateese?" she asked. "It is true, Marie-Anne. And I feel that Bateese is looking ahead joyously to the occasion." "He is," she affirmed.

Tea, made by prolonged stewing on the back of the stove, owes its bitter, puckery taste to tannin, and is better suited for tanning leather than for putting into the human stomach.

They snicker at my graftin, and I laugh in my sleeve, I guess, at their penetration. Now, Marm Pugwash is like the Minister's apples, very temptin fruit to look at, but desperate sour. If Pugwash had a watery mouth when be married, I guess its pretty puckery by this time.

It ain't recorded in ancient history what Eve said when Adam presented her wi' the little testimonial of his affection, but if I might ventur' a guess I should opine that she said `puckery." "H'm! Dey ain't a tight fit," observed Ebony. "I's ob opinion dat your corns are quite safe in 'em."

"That is the shape in which you are accustomed to them, Malcolm; but to preserve a thing means to keep it from decay, and salt and vinegar will do this as well as sugar. Preserves of this kind are what you call 'puckery. As to the color, Clara, 'olive-green' is a color by itself, because of its peculiar tint. It is a gray green instead of a blue or yellow green, and it has a very dull effect.

"I must send you to bed now, Mary Josephine, and tomorrow we will talk everything over," he said. "You're so tired you're ready to fall asleep in a minute." Tiny, puckery lines came into her pretty forehead. It was a trick he loved at first sight. "Do you know, Derry, I almost believe you've changed a lot.

She laughed and shook her head in a way that had once been arch and lively, but that was now puckery and infirm it is affecting to see these things in women and welcomed the old gentleman who came up and superseded Colville. The latter turned, with his cup still in his hand, and wandered about through the company, hoping he might see Mrs.

Now, there's old Mis' Somers, fur instance. YOU know what she is sour as a lemon an' puckery as a chokecherry. Well, if she didn't give me yesterday a great bo-kay o' posies she'd growed herself, an' said they was fur him that they berlonged ter him, anyhow.