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Lil. Loure. Loafer. Maunder. Moke. Parny. Posh. Queer. Raclan. Bivvy. Rigs. Moll. Distarabin. Tiny. Toffer. Tool. Punch. Wardo. Welcher. Yack. Lushy. A Mull. Pross. Toshers. Up to Trap. Barney. Beebee. Cull, Culley. Jomer. Bloke. Duffer. Niggling. Mug. Bamboozle, Slang, and Bite. Rules to be observed in determining the Etymology of Gipsy Words.

The last year has put more than ten years on the looks and bearing of the Posh whom I met first. But his memory is still good, and I was surprised to see how much he remembered of the people mentioned in the letters published in this volume when I read them through to him the other day. He cannot understand how it is that these letters have any value.

The majority of our people have slept over the whole subject, and the indifference thus manifested has emboldened the priests to posh forward the extension of the system, and the workmen are now busy in various places in the construction of additional establishments.

Towards the end of the summer of 1906 I received a letter from Mr. F. A. Mumby, of the Daily Graphic, asking me if I knew if Joseph Fletcher, the "Posh" of the "FitzGerald" letters, was still alive. All about me were veterans of eighty, ay, and ninety! hale and garrulous as any longshoreman needs be.

He vouches for its truth, and I give it on his authority and not as vouching for its accuracy myself. Personally I believe the tale is true enough, but I admit that it requires a power of assimilation which is not given to all. "He! he!" says Posh. "He was a rum un sometimes, was my guv'nor! I remember one day when the Scandal was a layin' agin' the wharf where the trawl market is now. Mr.

He replied: "Oh! only a little consolation still it is a consolation. I have just remembered that, by MY advice, Mr. Murray Posh has invested 600 pounds in Parachikka Chlorates!" Marriage of Daisy Mutlar and Murray Posh. The dream of my life realised. Mr. Perkupp takes Lupin into the office. March 20. To-day being the day on which Daisy Mutlar and Mr.

Possibly FitzGerald himself had, by too open a display of his admiration for his partner, this typical longshoreman, contributed to the personal self-satisfaction which must have been at the bottom of the man's reasons for wishing to be free of one who had befriended him so delicately and so generously. Posh himself admits, or rather boasts, that the "break" was owing to his own action.

To this day it is impossible to make him understand that reminiscences of FitzGerald are of greater public interest than any recollection of him Posh. However, time and patience have rendered it possible to separate the wheat from the tares of his narrative; and what tares may be left may be swallowed down with the more nutritious grain without any deleterious effect.

As Posh could walk, I suppose he only acknowledges a little Drink; but, judging by what followed on that little Drink, I wish he had simply acknowledged his Fault.

With the exception of Charles Lamb, no man's letters have endeared his memory to so many readers as have the letters of Edward FitzGerald. Posh knew the man as a good-hearted friend, a man of jealous affection, as a free-handed business partner, as a lover of the sea.