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Lil. Loure. Loafer. Maunder. Moke. Parny. Posh. Queer. Raclan. Bivvy. Rigs. Moll. Distarabin. Tiny. Toffer. Tool. Punch. Wardo. Welcher. Yack. Lushy. A Mull. Pross. Toshers. Up to Trap. Barney. Beebee. Cull, Culley. Jomer. Bloke. Duffer. Niggling. Mug. Bamboozle, Slang, and Bite. Rules to be observed in determining the Etymology of Gipsy Words.

Hearne, for Hearne he was, and a gentle Romany also, read the letter, saying that the raclan, his own romi, was running away with you." "Who wrote the letter?" demanded Agnes indignantly. This time Chaldea answered her fiercely. "You did, my Gorgious rani, and lie as you may, it's the truth I tell." Ill as he was, Lambert could not endure seeing the girl insult Agnes.

"He's a boro pappin, and that's Romany for a large goose, my Gorgious rye, for I asked no gold." "You told him to ask five thousand pounds." "May I die in a ditch if I did!" cried Chaldea vehemently. "Touch the gold of the raclan I would not, though I wanted bread. The tiny rye took the letter to give to the prastramengro, and that's a policeman, my gentleman, so that there might be trouble.

Hai! it is so, and I love you for the boldness, my Gorgious one." "It is absolutely false," cried Lambert, echoing Agnes. "True! true! and twice times true. May I go crazy, Meg, if it isn't. You wanted the raclan as your romi, and so plotted my brother's death. But your sweet one will go before the Poknees, and with irons on her wrists, and a rope round her "

And why should the raclan go free-footed when she drew her rom to be slaughtered like a pig?" "I did nothing of the sort," cried Agnes, with an angry look. "Duvel, it is true." Chaldea still addressed Lambert, and took no notice of Agnes. "I swear it on your Bible-book. I found the letter in my brother's tent, the day after he perished.

"Chee-chee!" bantered the girl. "Is that because I am not a raclan?" "A raclan?" "A married Gentile lady, that is. You love her?" "I I see, here, Chaldea, I am not going to talk over such things with you, as my affairs are not your business." "They are the business of the Gorgious female's rom." "Rom? Her husband, you mean. What do you know of "