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"Don't peep in the lookin'-glass," said Signor Anaconda, now in the pale blue tights of a "ground and lofty" tumbler. "You'll keel over again, plumb dead." The flap at the entrance was jerked aside and a tall, black-mustached man peered in upon the group. "Where's the kid?" he demanded sharply. "My wife said he was with you, Joey. Say, I don't like this business.

It means easy death, and I can't see any sense in that, though it's a terrible long creed, the Elder says, an' if it's any longer 'n ourn, I should think anybody might easy die learnin' it!" "I think the word is Athanasian," ventured the minister's wife. "Elder Ransom's always plumb full o' doctrine," asserted Miss Brewster, pursuing the subject.

"That's it; why, my sakes! Hold on, Jeff-Jack, I'll be with you in just a minute. Why, I know it as why, it rhymes with 'cohorts enraptured! I why, of course! Ah! Jeff-Jack it was hard on you that the despatches got your name so twisted. It's a plumb shame, as they say."

He was true man, a native of earth, and if he could not quit his huge personality to pipe spiritual music during a storm of trouble, being a soul wedged in the gnarled wood of the standing giant oak, and giving mighty sound of timber at strife rather than the angelical cry, he suffered, as he loved, to his depths. We have not to plumb the depths; he was not heroic, but hugely man.

Peter visited his mother as usual during August. Before going, he called on Dr. Plumb, and after an evening with him, went to two tenements in the district. As the result of these calls, he carried three children with him when he went home. Rather pale, thin little waifs.

Hit made me plumb sick. 'N' that's jest the same with varmints." They mounted their horses and turned down the road. Colonel May and Bob, being for the moment together, the old gentleman whispered; "Interesting sort of fellow." Bob nodded. "Nervy to try fire, wasn't he?" "Dale," the Colonel called, "ride up with us!

"Sunday I plumb lost track of the days." "You'll preach, won't yo', Parson? I yain't hearn a sermon in a hell of a while," a man jeered, facetiously. "Suttingly. An' when hit's through, yo'll think of hell jes' as long," Rasba retorted, with asperity, and his wit turned the laugh into a cheer.

On shipboard, he discovered that there were still depths of misery which he was called upon to plumb. Assigned to a miserable stateroom in an uncomfortable part of the ship, he suffered horribly from seasickness, and for the first half of the voyage lay foodless and spiritless in his bunk, indifferent to his environment or to his fate.

Well, you go over to Sallie's to stay all night some time, an' purty soon atter supper Jim Howard comes in. The ole man an' the ole woman goes to bed, an' the chil'un an' you go to bed, an' ef you keeps one eye open you'll see Jim's cheer an' Sallie's cheer a-movin' purty soon, till they gets plumb together. Then, stranger, hit begins. Now I want ye to understand that settin' up means business.

Think of me lying still all day with nothing to do but read! That's what knocked me out. I wouldn't have minded the pain if I could have gotten about.... Columbine, I've moved in!" "What! Moved in?" she queried, blankly. "Sure. I'm in my cabin on the hill. It's plumb great. Tom Andrews and Bert and your hunter Wade fixed up the cabin for me. That Wade is sure a good fellow.