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Updated: August 6, 2024

He's one of the pluckiest, finest, most promising fellows in the lower school." "How I begin to hate that word plucky," said Montagu; "it's made the excuse here for everything that's wrong, base, and unmanly. It seems to me it's infinitely more 'plucky' just now to do your duty and not be ashamed of it."

Well, it was dark, for the fires was low and her candle went out as she whisked open the door, being flurried, as the maids always is when they go in there. Halfway down the gallery she says she heard a rustling, and stopped. She's the pluckiest of 'em all, and she called out, 'I see you! thinking it was some of us trying to fright her.

Ten minutes after them one other fellow turned up, and a quarter of an hour later three more; and so on until the whole pack had run, or walked, or limped, or ridden home all except one, little Jim Barlow, the tiniest and youngest and pluckiest little hound that ever crossed country.

Once on the spot a change came o'er the spirit of his dream. His shop has the very unusual feature of indicating his political views. Her Gracious Majesty, Lord Beaconsfield, and Mr. Balfour look down upon you from neat frames. I am disposed to regard Mr. McGregor as the pluckiest man in Ireland.

"I suspect I got a bump that I shan't forget soon," laughed the Circus Boy. "It is a wonder I did not break my neck." "You undoubtedly saved Dimples' life at the risk of your own. You are the pluckiest lad no, I'll say the pluckiest man I have ever known." "Don't make me blush, Mr. Sparling." "Nevertheless, I wish you wouldn't take chances on that act again.

"Yes." They looked at each other across the foot or two of intervening space. It was a look to bridge death with. But even beneath their suffering, her eyes voiced the tremulous waiting of her lips. At last he found words. "You are the most wonderful woman in the world the pluckiest, the most completely understanding; you have the widest charity.

As he sat in the big rocking-chair, fiercely cuddling Tim and sucking his thumb, his stormy breath subsiding by degrees, Hannah thought him, as she confessed to the only female friend she possessed in the world, 'the pluckiest and bonniest little grig i' th' coontry side.

I know he had orders to go to Zele himself and the damned coward funked it. I've a good mind to report him to Head Quarters." "No. You won't do that. You wouldn't be such a putrid beast." "If I don't, Charlotte, it's because I like you. You're the pluckiest little blighter in the world. But I'll tell you what I shall do. Next time your Mr.

Of course he must really have been devoted to her to his wife all the time, without knowing it. And I don't wonder. She was one of the best, pluckiest, straightest girls I ever met. I don't believe she could have done a dishonourable action to save her life."

Sam was one of the carters, who had already become one of Douglas's greatest friends. 'He be the pluckiest, knowingest little chap that ever oi see wi' such a baby face! was the carter's opinion of him. 'If it's a very nice wood perhaps I'll come, said Betty. 'You must save something from dinner to take with us, for we will have a feast when we get there.

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