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They seem to have got some fool idea about Tuppence." "It's true," said Tommy quietly. "You mean they've done her in?" Tommy nodded. "I suppose when they got the treaty she wasn't any good to them any longer, and they were afraid to let her go." "Well, I'm darned!" said Julius. "Little Tuppence. She sure was the pluckiest little girl " But suddenly something seemed to crack in Tommy's brain.

Here one of the pluckiest fights of the campaign took place. Two companies of the Northamptons occupied a small house and orchard beside the line. They had thrown up a hurried earthwork and placed rails along the top of the parapet. In this position they were suddenly attacked by a force of apparently 500 Boers so it was supposed with one or two field guns.

If a horse bolted with a buggy or cart, he was generally stopped outside Watty's, which seemed to suggest, as Mitchell said, that most of the heroes drank at Watty's also that the pluckiest men were found amongst the hardest drinkers. Watty's dogs were the most quarrelsome in town, and there was a dog-fight there every other evening, followed as often as not by a man-fight.

I questioned a man who stood beside me about Doctor Gorsky, and from his answers I gained the impression that Matilda's husband was considered one of the pluckiest men in the struggle. At the time of his arrest he was practising medicine Ranged on the platform on either side of the speaker's desk were about a hundred chairs, several of which in the two front rows were kept vacant.

"And the best and the most sensible and the pluckiest one I ever saw," he pursued, unheeding. "Don't tell me; I know. I've seen whole rafts of women. Dolls! Flirts! Gigglers! Fainters! Talking slush and thinking slop! Soft, too, like dough. Eating filthy coloured and flavoured glucose by the pound. Yah! Not a sane idea, or a sound digestion, or a healthy body in the bunch.

Freddy was dried, rubbed, and put into a flannel shirt some ten sizes too big for him, and given something hot and spicy to drink, and finally tumbled into a bunk with coarse but spotless sheets, and very rough but comfortable blankets, where in less than four minutes he was sound asleep, worn out, as even the pluckiest eleven-year-old boy would be, with the strain on his small body and brave young soul.

She's positively terrified of Life." This, as Alice had intended, was too much for Peter. He burst out "I think Miss Rossiter's the pluckiest girl I've ever met. She's afraid of nothing." "Except of being uncomfortable," Alice retorted. "That frightens her into fits. Make her uncomfortable, Peter, and you'll see "

Of course my gibes at Jack were all purely foolish and jealous, and, moreover, I could now afford to be truthful; so I said, "If Jack doesn't do better, as well as look better, than my Lord Brocton, I'll thrash him soundly when he gets back. But he will. He's a rare one is Master Jack, and by a long chalk the pluckiest soul, boy or man, I've ever come across.

"Midget was the bravest, pluckiest girl, and she saved both our lives." "What!" cried Mr. Maynard, "have you been in danger?" Marjorie stopped her sobs a moment, and lifted her head from her mother's shoulder. "It was P-Pompton saved us! I didn't do any saving, I only s-screeched!" "And you screeched good and plenty, Miss Marjorie," said the chauffeur, "which was what saved the day; and, Mr.

He had laid out anchors, lightened the ship, and cut down her masts and spars. Then, in the pluckiest way, he had tried to go about, under the full fire of the Arabs. Fourteen of his men had been killed or wounded at the capstan bars. But the cables gave way, and the only result of lightening the ship was that the swell carried her closer in shore.