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"Sometimes," admitted the Sea Horse, "and there are many other living things that have a way of destroying us. But here I am, as you see, over six weeks old, and during that time I have escaped every danger. That isn't so bad, is it?" "Phoo!" said a Starfish lying near. "I'm over three months old. You're a mere baby, Sea Horse." "I'm not!" cried the Sea Horse excitedly.

But that is over now, and you must not think that because I am ill and helpless I am an object of charity." "Phoo!" said the little man; "aren't you accepting charity from Old Hucks?" "But he stands as a second father to me. He is an old retainer of my family, and one of my ambitions is to secure a home for him and Nora in their old age.

I heard all round me like a pent-up breath released as if a thousand giants simultaneously had said Phoo! and felt a dull concussion which made my ribs ache suddenly. No doubt about it I was in the air, and my body was describing a short parabola.

'Phoo! says the Lord Chancellor, 'the signature is not in His Majesty's handwriting. Indeed, since his studies at Bosforo, Giglio had made an immense improvement in caligraphy. 'Is it your handwriting, Giglio? cries the Fairy Blackstick, with an awful severity of countenance. 'Y y y es, poor Giglio gasps out, 'I had quite forgotten the confounded paper: she can't mean to hold me by it.

"It has been hiding and skulking this week from me we have got it out of its snug hole at last. I bid them keep the dogs off till you came. Don't be waiting any longer. Come off, Harry, come! Phoo! phoo! That book will keep cold, and what is it? Oh! the last volume of Sir Charles not worth troubling your eyes with.

Now that same wild Irishman has as much gratitude in him as any tame Englishman of them all. But don't let's be talking sintimint; for, for my share I'd not give a bogberry a bushel for sintimint, when I could get anything better. Lord J. And pray, sir, what may a bogberry be? Rory. Phoo! don't be playing the innocent, now.

"Well, my lord," cried Sir Terence, out of breath, "you have led me a pretty dance all over the town: here's a letter somewhere down in my safe pocket for you, which has cost me trouble enough. Phoo! where is it now? it's from Miss Nugent," said he, holding up the letter.

Merciful Lord, I can't get my breath! Ah, you dirty hussy! Well, there's nothing to be done. It's evident. I'll have to call your father. LÍPOCHKA. All you ever say is "father, father!" You have a lot to say when he's around, but just try it when you're by yourself! AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. So you think I'm a fool, do you? What kind of hussars do you know, you brazen-faced creature? Phoo!

"Phoo!" growled the Major, during the impressive hush that followed; "that's it, exactly. Your names are printed because you're John Merrick's nieces. If it hadn't been for tin-plate, my dears, society never would 'a' known ye at all, at all!" Diana was an experienced entertainer and under her skillful supervision the reception proved eminently successful.

Of her personal anxieties and fears she told her new friend far more than she had ever confessed to anyone else and her disclosures were met by ready sympathy. "Phoo!" cried Irene. "This isn't a REAL trouble; it will pass away. Everything passes away in time, Mary Louise, for life is a succession of changes one thing after another.