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The fanaticism both of the persecutor and the persecuted worked in their behalf. The enthusiasm of a doctrine newly embraced, revenge, want, and hopeless misery drew to their standard adventurers from every part of Europe. All whom the new doctrine had won, all who had suffered, or had still cause of fear from despotism, linked their own fortunes with those of the new republic.

He must first quit himself of this ill-smelling vehicle and of the human beast that guided it first do that; do that, at least; do that at once. And just then the cab suddenly stopped, and there was his persecutor rapping on the front glass. John let it down, and beheld the port-wine countenance inflamed with intellectual triumph. 'I ken wha ye are! cried the husky voice. 'I mind ye now.

The beautiful Coria, the youngest of the sheikh's daughters, showed me at first many marks of her esteem; but my refusal to embrace their religion, even for her sake, changed her love into hatred, and she became my most bitter persecutor. At length we heard that we were approaching a town, which we hoped might prove to be at no great distance from the borders of Algiers.

The black cross of derision has become a mark of honor in that community. We were greeted by a splendid audience that night and the gospel again was honored. More than a dozen people accepted Christ and made confession of Him. I was greatly interested in Brother Raymundo, who is the leading member of this church. Formerly he was a great persecutor.

The last bandage dropped to the ground eyes, hands, mouth were free. But Mr. Rashleigh could make no use of his freedom; he sat pale, benumbed, confounded, helpless. "Rouse yourself, my dear sir," said his persecutor, giving him a gentle shake; "don't drop into a cataleptic trance. Look up and speak to me."

This being my sole and only comfort, I recalled my curse upon the time, and repented me o my rashness. After crossing the Tweed, I saw no more of my persecutor that day, and had hopes that he had left me for a season; but, alas, what hope was there of my relief after the declaration I had so lately heard!

He cherished kind feelings for all his subjects, and was perfectly willing that the Catholic religion should retain its unquestioned supremacy. His pride, however, revolted from yielding to compulsory conversion, and he also refused to become the persecutor of his former friends.

Even the distant land of Hindustan was explored in the search after varied knowledge, and contributed to the learning and civilization of the time the fables of Bidpai and the game of chess. Though a fierce persecutor of the deluded followers of Mazdak, Chosroes admitted and practised, to some extent, the principles of toleration.

I say it earnestly: this thought is one of the things that make life tolerable to me! 'You have need of charity, friend Peak, interposed Earwaker. 'This is the spirit of the persecutor. 'Nothing of the kind! It is the spirit of justified reason. You may say that those people were honestly mistaken; such honesty is the brand of a brainless obstructive. They would have persecuted, but too gladly!

At the sight of these two women Russell and Harry stopped their conversation abruptly. For each one the sight was an overwhelming sensation. To Russell it was as though his last hour had come. Here was his persecutor, his tormentor, who was resolved to marry him whether he would or not. He had confided his griefs to Harry, but had been unable to obtain from him any satisfactory advice.