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He must have lost a stone in weight. Bertie Adams only asked to be allowed to perjure himself to the tune of Five Years' penal servitude if that would set Vivie free. Yet at a word or a look from her he became manageable. The Attorney General of course began something like this.

There is no honour to be gained on Austria, and so let him pass. I will have him perjure himself, however; I will insist on the ordeal. How I shall laugh to hear his clumsy fingers hiss, as he grasps the red-hot globe of iron! Ay, or his huge mouth riven, and his gullet swelling to suffocation, as he endeavours to swallow the consecrated bread!"

"Coming to some maturity of years, and perceiving what tyranny had invaded in the Church, that he who would take orders, must subscribe slave, and take an oath withal, which, unless he took with a conscience that would retch, he must either straight perjure or split his faith, I thought it better to prefer a blameless silence before the sacred office of speaking, bought and begun with servitude and forswearing."

Hypocrisy calling religion in to attest a lie, subornation of evidence, contempt for the poor tools who are to perjure themselves, consciousness that such work will only be done by worthless men, cool lying, ferocity, and murder, these are a pretty company to crowd into half a dozen lines.

And as if by a lightning stroke she sprang from her dull apathy into exquisite torture. "It's a lie! Lassiter! No, no!" she moaned. "I swear you're wrong!" "Stop! You'd perjure yourself! But I'll spare you that. You poor woman! Still blind! Still faithful!... Listen. I know. Let that settle it. An' I give up my purpose!" "What is it you say?" "I give up my purpose.

When the oath of supremacy was required of the nation, Sir Thomas More, Bishop Fisher, and the monks of the Charterhouse mistaken, as we believe, in judgment, but true to their consciences, and disdaining evasion or subterfuge chose, with deliberate nobleness, rather to die than to perjure themselves.

Here in the presence of our new commanding officer I felt as I used to when I stood before the head master. "Sit down," beamed the C.O. We sat down, crossed our legs, and tried to appear at our ease, and languid; as became officers. "How old are you?" the Colonel asked Doe. Doe hesitated, wondering whether to perjure himself and say "Twenty." "Eighteen, sir," he admitted, obviously ashamed.

He had wings on his boots, or was supposed to: which it would be a convenience in these days, with Palmerston's unfortunate habits. For goodness' sake, child," she addressed Fancy, "take him out somewhere, that I mayn't perjure myself twice in one day!" She vanished. "Now, what have you to say for yourself?" Fancy turned again upon Palmerston and repeated her question.

The Attorney-General smiled at the jury-box and addressed himself to Sadler, with an air of patience very much tried: "You swear the prisoner is the man?" The fair man turned his sharp eyes upon me. I called, "For God's sake, don't perjure yourself. You are a decent man." "No, I won't swear," he said slowly. "I think he was. He had his face blacked then, of course.

Something of the weight that had crushed him had been lifted from his heart: he was penniless, the future stretched darkly before him with a darkness through which there appeared no road or sign of light; but he was free. He would not be compelled to go to the altar, there to perjure himself with an oath to love and cherish one woman while he loved another.