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"J'ai vu le Louvre et son enceinte immense, Vaste palais qui depuis deux cent ans, Toujours s'achève et toujours se commence. Deux ouvriers, manoeuvres fainéants, Hâtent très lentement ces riches bâtiments Et sont payés quand on y pense." During Louis XVI.'s reign little or nothing was done.

There were still the tributes, the payments in specie which the payés had to make to him, according to ancient usage, and with these he and Mammy Antonia had managed to exist, almost lost in the immensity of the house which had been built to shelter a tribe.

After their dispersal the authorities appear to have paid but little attention to their commissariat and they were left to live by pillage. Many months later I ventured to ask an officer of the regulars on what principle they were supposed to be paid. "Payés?" responded the gentleman whom I questioned, "ils ne sont pas payés, ils volent."

Murphy shook her head disparagingly. "It was shure some divilment," she asserted, stoutly. "He'll be up to some thrick wid the poor gyurl; Oi know the loikes av him. Shure, the two av yez must look as much aloike as two payes in a pod. Loikely now, it's a twin sister ye've got?" Hope smiled, although her eyes were misty. "Oh, no; Fred and I were the only children; but what shall I do?

And that the charges of ingratitude, madness, infidelity, and corruption, are easily made by those to whom falsehoods cost nothing; but that no instances in support of them have been produced or can be produced. 'Les officiers et les soldats ont été payés, &c.

Seldom lies the Devil dead by the dike side. Sike father, sike son. Soft fire makes sweet malt. Sturt payes na Debt. Self do, self ha. Surfeit slayes mae nor the sword, Shame shall fall them that shame thinks, to do themselves a good turn. Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law. Seek your sauce where you get your Ale. Shro the ghuest the house is the war of. Sokeing sale is best.

Ever, ever, whilst you live, Jarvice; the dauncers alwayes payes the musike. Wilt breake custome? No, or there a pawne for you. Mr. Steward. Mus. This is your bountifull Captaine! a rope of his bounsing! But stay, lets play to the steward; it may be when he wakes we may worke him to't. Omnes. Lov. Umh , play a healthe: soe; say, it shall goe rounde: goe to, I say and I sayt, it shall goe round.

With these contributions, partly consumed in the house, and in part sold by the servant, Jaime and Mammy Antonia managed to live in the solitude of the palace, isolated from public gaze, like castaways. The offerings in money were continually becoming more belated. The payés, with that rustic egoism which shuns misfortune, became indolent in fulfilling his obligations.

Oh, hees fast enough; heele be ready to cast up his accounts the easier when my lady calls him. Crac. Come, come; who payes the Musicke? Captain, you have my purse. Suc. Truths a truth from Infidell or Pagan: I am in trust, and that's beleife, and so it shalbe saved. Pay the Musick? umh, where are they? let me see, how many's of you, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: good, can any of you daunce? Mus. Daunce?

Antonia assented with a nod of her head, breaking into speech in her Majorcan dialect. "It is hard, isn't it? No doubt the bread does not compare with the tender little rolls the señor eats at the casino, but it is not my fault. I wanted to make bread yesterday, but I was out of flour, and I was expecting that the 'payés' of Son Febrer would come and bring his tribute.