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Yet, with a look of bitter pain, Olive wrote the address of her letter "Harbury Parsonage" Sara's home! She lingered, too, over the name of Sara's husband. "Harold Gwynne! Oh, mamma! how different names look! I cannot bear the sight of this! I hate it." Years after, Olive remembered these words.

You'd think all the spiders from here to Ostable had been holdin' camp meetin' in that shut-up house." The packing took about an hour. When it was finished, the carpet rolled up, and the last piece of linen placed in the old trunk, Keziah turned to her guest. "Now, Gracie," she said, "I feel as though I ought to go to the parsonage.

There is the parsonage: a tidy-looking house, and I understand the clergyman and his wife are very decent people. Those are almshouses, built by some of the family. To the right is the steward's house; he is a very respectable man. Now we are coming to the lodge-gates; but we have nearly a mile through the park still.

He told me that he knew papa, and that he was at school with Mark, and that as he was such good friends with you here at the parsonage, he must be good friends with me too. No; it has not been his fault. The soft words which did the mischief were such as those. But how well his mother understood the world! In order to have been safe, I should not have dared to look at him." "But, dearest Lucy "

Connie had been yearning for a good rope to make a swing. Here it lay, at her very feet, plainly a gift of the gods. She did not wait to see where the other end of the rope was. She just grabbed what she saw before her, and started violently back around the house with it yelling, "Prudence! Look at my rope!" Prudence rushed around the parsonage.

It was a hard case for a young man who had taken to the clerical profession without taking to the clerical life, and all the harder because there were old men living whose fathers or grandfathers had known the days when even a Bishop of Norwich was married, and who could tell of many an old country clergyman who had had his wife and children in the parsonage.

She had dreamed of a gorgeous church ceremony with two pipe-organs, and an enlarged cast of clergymen, and wedding guests composed of real millionaires instead of movie "extras." But lo and behold, her adorer whisks her off to a little town in New Jersey and the great treaty is sealed in the shoddy parlor of a village parsonage! Gilfoyle's Municipal Building was a cathedral compared to this.

Aunt Judith and the little maid had gone down to the parsonage for a call, and Gwen knocked until she was tired, then paused on the step, trying to decide where next she would call. "Stupid that everyone is in school, and won't be out for an hour!" she said. Then her eyes brightened. "I know where I'll go!" she cried.

Vacation is coming now, and Fairy ought to take a turn. What will they do when you get married?" "I have always said I would not get married." "But don't you want to get married, some time?" "Oh, that isn't it. I just can't because I must take care of the parsonage, and raise the girls. I can't." "But you will," he whispered, and his hand touched hers for just a second. Prudence did not answer.

Of Edward, or at least of some of his concerns, she now received intelligence from Colonel Brandon, who had been into Dorsetshire lately; and who, treating her at once as the disinterested friend of Mr. Ferrars, and the kind of confidant of himself, talked to her a great deal of the parsonage at Delaford, described its deficiencies, and told her what he meant to do himself towards removing them.