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Updated: August 9, 2024

The great basaltic sheets of the Cape Colony are found capping the highest elevations of the Camderboo and Stormberg ranges, as well as overspreading immense areas of less elevated land, to an extent, according to Professor A. H. Green, of at least 120,000 square miles. Amongst these sheets, innumerable dykes, and masses of solid lava which filled the old vents of eruption, are to be observed.

"Yes," assented Barnes, a retrospective smile overspreading his good-natured face; "when I was a lad in Devonshire the manager announced the performance in the town market-place. I rang a cow-bell to attract attention and he talked to the people: Ding-a-ling! 'Good people, to-night will be given "Love in a Wood"; ding-a-long! 'to-morrow night, "The Beaux' Strategem'"; ding!

"We were so shocked, so absolutely petrified with terror, that it was a second or so before we realised that it was Mr Vercoe not the Mr Vercoe we knew, but an entirely different Mr Vercoe a Mr Vercoe without a stitch of clothing, and with a face metamorphosed into a lurid, solid block of horror, overspreading which was a suspicion of something something too dreadful to name, but which we could have sworn was utterly at variance with his nature.

We ascended a hill and looked round us for a spot for our encampment. The prairie was like a turbulent ocean, suddenly congealed when its waves were at the highest, and it lay half in light and half in shadow, as the rich sunshine, yellow as gold, was pouring over it. The rough bushes of the wild sage were growing everywhere, its dull pale green overspreading hill and hollow.

"I beg your pardon," he said, as she was silent, with a dark shadow overspreading her face. "I have no right to know your life simply because you are so well acquainted with mine." "Oh! you!" she said, with a sad smile; "your life is history; mine is drama, melodrama even. There is a great difference." "Pardon my presumption!" "Oh!

He caught the young soldier, and forced him back in one of the chairs as he spoke, for already a ghastly pallor was overspreading his countenance. "Is it is it poisonous, doctor?" whispered Miss Linton, as she darted a horrified look at Gray. "Deadly! my dear young lady," he replied hastily. "The poor fellow has saved your life. And only last night," he thought, "I said he was a coward."

As I said before, what we do know is that the murderer got to the Mayor's Parlour, and that he got away from it!" Hawthwaite shook his head, with a puzzled expression overspreading his somewhat heavy and unimaginative features. "Ay, but how?" he said. "How?" "That's a job for you," replied Brent, with a suggestive glance.

Then one species after another comes into flower, gradually overspreading the green with yellow and purple, which lasts until May. The "rainy season" is by no means a gloomy, soggy period of constant cloudiness and rain. Perhaps nowhere else in North America, perhaps in the world, are the months of December, January, February, and March so full of bland, plant-building sunshine.

Quentin cast his eye on the person whom he rode beside, and under the shadow of a slouched overspreading hat, which resembled the sombrero of a Spanish peasant, he recognised the facetious features of the same Petit Andre whose fingers, not long since, had, in concert with those of his lugubrious brother, Trois Eschelles, been so unpleasantly active about his throat.

As to the new faith it is overspreading land after land with incredible power; ambition and covetousness are driving thousands into its fold. But we we are faithful to Christ Jesus, we are no traitors. If I, I the Mukaukas, had consented to go over to the Khaliff I might have been a prince in purple, and have governed my own country in his name. How many have deserted to the Moslems!

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