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I must stay. Oh, why does not some one come?" Tom's face darkened now, for his over-strained imagination had painted a fresh picture that of the miserable-looking cur somewhere close at hand, settled down in a hollow to deliberately gnaw the sandy bone.

Of some such mood a Gothic cathedral is the expression: its vaulting, marvelously supported upon slender shafts by reason of a nicely adjusted equilibrium of forces; its restless, upward-reaching pinnacles and spires; its ornament, intricate and enigmatic all these suggest the over-strained organism of an ascetic; while its vast shadowy interior lit by marvelously traceried and jeweled windows, which hold the eyes in a hypnotic thrall, is like his soul: filled with world sadness, dead to the bright brief joys of sense, seeing only heavenly visions, knowing none but mystic raptures.

Her sister was prettier, but I was beginning to feel afraid of a novice; I thought the work too great. This newly-married lady, who was between nineteen and twenty years of age, drew upon herself everybody's attention by her over-strained and unnatural manners.

William Fry, the eldest son of the family, was thrown upon a bed of illness, as the result of an over-strained and exhausted brain; soon after, sickness spread through the whole family, until the house, and even Plashet, which, being empty, afforded them a temporary shelter, became a hospital on a small scale.

Between the queer mixture of emotions which beset him and the discomfort of his bruised face and over-strained body Thompson turned and twisted, and sleep withheld its restful oblivion until far in the night. As a consequence he slept late. Dawn had grown old before he wakened. When he opened his cabin door he was confronted by the dourest aspect of the north that he had yet seen.

And I ask you further to bear in mind that the affirmance of the conviction was not had on fixed principles of law for the question was unprecedented but on a speculative view of a suppositious case, and I must say a strained application of an already over-strained and dangerous doctrine the doctrine of constructive criminality the doctrine of making a man at a distance of three thousand miles or more, legally responsible for the words and acts of others whom he had never seen, and of whom he had never heard, under the fiction, or the 'supposition, that he was a co-conspirator.

Oh, I have dragged it wearily about. Most women suffering as she did, with a weak spine, heart disease, and over-strained nerves, would have lived the life of an invalid. But the warrior spirit within forced her body along. Scores of times she has gone from her bed to the Meeting, and then, exhausted and fainting with the effort, has had to be almost carried home.

I can speak quite frankly to you, I feel sure." "Of course. That's why I have told you the whole thing." "I think you must be over-worked, over-strained, without knowing it." "And that the doctor was mistaken when he said I was all right?" "Yes." Guildea knocked his pipe out against the chimney piece.

As she gazed on the picture with an over-strained eye, and an imagination heated with enthusiasm, the expression seemed to alter from the hard outline, fashioned by the Greek painter; the eyes appeared to become animated, and to return with looks of compassion the suppliant entreaties of the votaress, and the mouth visibly arranged itself into a smile of inexpressible sweetness.

The Bishop smiled again, and there was in his look a gentle merriment. "You were over-strained, my daughter. When you drew near, you found instead of a ghostly priest with eyes of fire, drowned many years ago, off the coast of Spain your old friend, Symon of Worcester, who had stolen a march on you, by reason of the swift paces of his good mare, Shulamite."