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Updated: August 8, 2024

And she gets mad just as easy as the rest of us." "I think we oughtn't get mad any more. And, girls, I'll lend you my knife to sharpen your pencils. We ought to try to be just as good as we could, for my Sunday-school teacher said if we died the world came to an end for us." They made many resolves. Mrs. Craven thought they had never been so angelic in their lives.

The horse was evidently walking, and the voices came to him distinctly. "I'm not a coward any s-such thing! We oughtn't to have c-come, in the first place. I can't go with you. Please turn round, C-Carter, please!" There was no mistaking that high, childlike voice, with its faltering speech. Sandy's gloomy frown narrowed to a scowl. What business had Annette out there in the storm?

"In the cupboard! father's ... and I'm blessed if you haven't taken down the curtains." "They clash with the carpet it quite hurts me to look at them. Really, Joanna, if this is my room, you oughtn't to mind what I do in it." "Your room, indeed! You've got some sass! And I spending more'n forty pound fixing it up for you.

Nevertheless he beat down the desire to dissuade her from the trip. "You oughtn't to miss McCloud River," he forced himself to say. "I'll see," said Angela. "It's nice not to make up one's mind, but just to enjoy the minute." "Are you enjoying the minute?" "Yes." He was rewarded. For this minute was his.

"I oughtn't to have spoken as I did at first I was a perfect brute," he said remorsefully; "forgive me, won't you? Please, little Miss Meg I would rather cut my hand off than really hurt you." This last was a little consoling, at any rate, and Meg lifted her face half a second, white and pathetic in the moonlight, and all wet with grievous tears.

With your new position and no one but yourself to pay for, it oughtn't to take long." Shirley gasped unmistakably with delight. David turned red, but he answered, still quietly, "It is good of you to make the offer, but of course it is out of the question. I think Shirley would prefer " "Young man," Aunt Clara reminded him, "in my family nothing I suggest is ever out of the question.

"For that reason, play the part with all your might," he said, unyieldingly. "Really, even you and I oughtn't to talk of it any more. But there is one thing I want very much to know about Miss Le Breton." He bent towards her, smiling, though in truth he was disgusted with himself, vexed with her, and out of tune with all the world. The Duchess made a little face.

They were all dead. The blue and grey men were talking to one another now. "Well, Johnnie," a Yankee called through the shadows, "I can't admit that you're inspired of God, but after to-day I must say that you are possessed of the devil." "Same to you, Yank! Your papers say we're all demoralized anyhow so to-morrow you oughtn't have no trouble finishin' us!"

"Ah," exclaimed Morty, looking after him, "there goes a cute boy at last, God forgive him, he's of that opinion himself. What a pity there's not more o' the family; they'd ornament the counthry." "Say, rather, Morty, that there's one too many." "Faith, and I'm sure, Barney, you oughtn't to think so. Beg pardon Mr. Norton." "Morty, curse you, will you be cautious? But why should I not think so?"

"How come he to get hurt, did y'u say?" His sleek smile was a thing hateful to see. "A hound bit me," explained the sheepman. "Y'u don't say! I reckon y'u oughtn't to have got in its way. Did y'u kill it?" "Not yet." "That was surely a mistake, for it's liable to bite again." The girl felt a sudden sickness at his honeyed cruelty, but immediately pulled herself together.

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