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But she got by safely and the Adventurer plunged after her. There were strained faces on the bridge deck then and Ossie was seen to lay a tentative hand on the cushion of the nearer seat. Steve, with grim countenance, kept his eyes on the rollers, trying his best to follow in the wake of the other boat.

Perhaps one or two of the boys did nod a little during the next two hours, but real slumber was far from the minds of any of them. The Adventurer was doing a good twenty miles an hour, the propeller lashing the water into a long foaming path that melted astern in the moonlight. Ossie busied himself in the galley about midnight and served hot coffee and bread-and-butter sandwiches.

"Mother talked and dreamed of her absent son. In sleep she sang cradle lullabys and gently reproved her 'own little Ossie. For hours she would sit looking out of the window, expecting your return. "Without apparent cause came that fatal attack. After a few days the physician said there was no hope. His diagnosis revealed no malignant disease, but indicated a total collapse of vital forces.

By the time the two omelets were prepared the whist players were ready to stop and the entire ship's company partook of the rival concoctions and decided the matter in favour of Ossie. "Although," explained Joe, "I'm not saying that Perry's omelet is bad. If he had remembered to put a little salt in it " "I did!" declared Perry resentfully. "You don't know a decent omelet when you see it.

Provincetown had been selected as the first certain port of call and most of the thirteen boys found mail awaiting them. Only Neil, however, received tidings of importance, and his letter from his parents brought an exclamation of dismay to his lips. "Anything wrong?" asked Ossie, sitting beside him on the rail of the hotel porch. "Rotten," replied Neil disgustedly. "I've got to go home!"

"You call yourselves the Adventure Club and start out to see some sport, and then the first time there's a heavy mist you want to stick around an old harbour for fear you'll get damp! We've been going two whole days now, and we haven't even glimpsed an adventure!" "An adventure is one thing," said Ossie, "and getting drowned is something else again.

"I think some of you lobsters might have sung out," he mourned. "I've never seen Coney Island." "Well, have a look," laughed Han. "That's it back there." "Huh! Can't see anything at this distance," growled Ossie. "It's just a smear of buildings. What's the place ahead there!" "Rockaway," answered Joe, "and that's Jamaica Bay in there. Say, there's some sea on, isn't there?"

Then he played "Paddy-cake, paddy-cake, Baker's man," with Dinkie, who took to him at once, and when I came back from getting the extra cot ready in the bunk-house, my infant prodigy was on the new hired man's back, circling the dinner-table and shouting "Gid-dap, 'ossie, gid-dap!" as he went, a proceeding which left the seamed old face of Whinstane Sandy about as blithe as a coffin-lid.

Think of plunging around these waters in Winter, eh? Breaking his own way through the ice often enough the boat was built for it they say and plugging through some of the nor'easters! Say, I take my hat off to that fellow!" "Some job," agreed Steve thoughtfully. "Man's work, fellows." "What does he do for 'em?" asked Ossie. "Teaches them, son.

At least, they weren't seen again aboard the cruiser until that time, although Perry, Phil and Ossie, following them ashore after dinner, were scandalised to see them strolling around quite brazenly in the company of an equal number of young ladies. "Girls!" snorted Perry scornfully. "Why, the big chumps, they look as if they liked it! Gee, it's enough to sicken a fellow!"