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Updated: August 24, 2024

But, lor' love yer 'art, now that the old 'ooman has stuck a chunk of her tea-cake in me, an' rinsed me out with her bloomin' old teapot, and I've lit hup, you may scratch my ears for all you're worth, and won't even get a growl out of me. Drive along with your questions. I know what yer a-comin' at, that 'ere escaped wolf." "Exactly. I want you to give me your view of it.

The sausingers wur very good, an' teasted moorish aal the time; but the bread an' butter wur so nation thin that I had to clap dree or vour pieces together to get a mouthful. I didn't seem to want a knife or vork, but the young 'ooman put a white-handled knife an' silver vork avoor me.

Think of her making him believe this, and yet loving him dearly all the time; and because she was too grateful to you and mother to do what you don't like. 'Yes; the girl's a good girl, Netta, I don't deny that; but I can't bear the Irish, and don't want Owen, who is a fine, sensible young man, who might have any respectable young 'ooman, to marry a girl nobody knows of, and there's the treuth!

"Excuse me, ma'am," replied the sailor with a smile, which curled up his huge moustache expressively, "you shall know presently, but I must make quite sure that I'm aboard of that is to say, that you are the right 'ooman. May I ask, ma'am, what became of these two cheruphims, as you've very properly named 'em?"

The rising Toodles set up a shrill murmur, expressive of their resolution to profit by the paternal advice. 'But what makes you say this along of Rob, father? asked his wife, anxiously. 'Polly, old ooman, said Mr Toodle, 'I don't know as I said it partickler along o' Rob, I'm sure.

"Are you sure?" "There is no doubt, sar. Her name is Garavel, and she h'occupies the big 'ouse on the 'ill. I discovered those h'impartant facts from the Bajan 'ooman." "Stephanie! You saw her? By Jove! Then you are right this time. Quick! tell me all you learned."

"You're the old ooman as knows how to give a feller a good hearty squeeze. But don't come it too strong, mother, else you'll put me all out o' shape. See, daddy's a-goin' to show his-self off." This last remark had reference to a small bundle which David Bright was hastily untying. "See here, Nell," he said, with a strange mixture of eagerness and modesty, "I've joined 'em at last old girl.

"I'm afeard I am not o' much account in guessing, especially as I was not there when she said it, and seeing that your mother was the only 'ooman I ever cam' into such close quarters as that with." "And what did mother say to you when you asked her?" said Dick musingly. "I don't see that that will help 'ee." "The principle is the same." "Well ay: what did she say? Let's see.

I quite agrees with ye; but women are allus a bit worrity-like, and of course there's a deal to do, and she got frightened with the keys, and when she saw them fine clothes, and what not, so I drawed her a glass of cherry-cordial, an' sez I, 'Now, old 'ooman, sez I, 'don't skeer yerself into fits. I'll fetch the passon to ye. And with that, she seemed easier in her mind.

"I'll go and do a bit of shoutin' to Spruce, deaf as he is, he's more reasonable-like than his old 'ooman!" With this resolve, he went his way by a short-cut through Abbot's Manor gardens to a small thatched shelter in the woods, known as 'the foresters' hut, where Spruce was generally to be found at about sunset, smoking a peaceful pipe, alone and well out of his wife's way.

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