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Think of her making him believe this, and yet loving him dearly all the time; and because she was too grateful to you and mother to do what you don't like. 'Yes; the girl's a good girl, Netta, I don't deny that; but I can't bear the Irish, and don't want Owen, who is a fine, sensible young man, who might have any respectable young 'ooman, to marry a girl nobody knows of, and there's the treuth!

Near her sat an oldish woman with an almost toothless mouth, who was chattering to her in a tone that Letty knew to be three parts hypocritical. "Well, the treuth is the men is that fool 'ardy when they gets a thing into their yeds, there's no taakin wi un.

I left im i the owd coat they'd thrown over im i the pit I dursn't ha touched is back. Noa, I dursn't. But I made his shroud mysen, an I put it ower his poor workin clothes, an I washed his face, an is hands an feet an then I kissed him, an I said, 'Jamie, yo mun go an tell the Lord as yo ha done your best, an He ha dealt hardly by you! an that's the treuth He ha dealt hardly by yer!"

'Oh, I do be having the best in all London; Prince Albert or Queen Victoria 'ouldn't be having a better; to think of him as was dining with them wanst. 'Don't believe such nonsense, Aunt 'Lizbeth. 'Was you thinking that my Howels is not telling the treuth?

Bot if it will pleas yor Lordship to be acquent wt the causis and incidentis preceidding this dolorous effect, I hoip yor Lordship wilbe the mair easilie persuadit of the treuth.

And Perley, a gaunt, ugly fellow, who had been a famous hunter and trapper in his day, took off his hat and mopped his brow, before he said, in a small, cautious voice, entirely out of keeping with the rest of him: 'The treuth on it is, Squoire, we don't loike the job. We be afeard of their havin' the law on us. 'Oh, you're afraid, are you? said the Squire angrily.

Gladys' head drooped low, and a burning blush overspread her pale face. 'I can't be much more angry with him than I am, but tell you the treuth. Did he want to marry you? 'Yes, sir. 'And you what did you say? 'That I couldn't marry any one in this world, sir. 'What do you mean to wait for, then? 'Nothing, sir, nobody. 'And what did Owen say to that?

"Hurd has been in good work since October, and has no need to poach. Westall has a down on him. You may tell him I think so, if you like." "That I will," said Mrs. Jellison, cheerfully, opening the door for them. "There's nobody makes 'im 'ear the trëuth, nobbut me. I loves naggin' ov 'im, ee's that masterful. But ee don't master me!"

Again the colour came and went. 'It would be wrong, sir, in me to make a son disobey a father, and I wouldn't like to do it; so I can promise that; and maybe you may change. 'Then you love the boy? Tell me the treuth. Gladys began to cry, and was a few moments before she could say, somewhat more resolutely than usual, 'Sir, my feelings are my own.

Ee was certain, ee said, as you could tell a thing or two about them coverts at Tudley End, if the treuth were known. You wor allus a loafer, an' a loafer you'd be. Yer might go snivellin' to Miss Boyce, ee said, but yer wouldn't do no honest work ee said not if yer could help it that's what ee said." "Devil!" said Hurd between his teeth, with a quick lift of all his great misshapen chest.