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This is no time for skylarking." The men bent to their oars again, and the boat answered to its name, cutting swiftly through the water towards the little man-o'-war. "But there will be a row about it, old fellow," whispered Bob Howlett. "Oh, very well then, they must row," said Mark Vandean pettishly. "There's no harm in having a monkey onboard if we can get it there."

Come, now, I don't believe you can afford to turn this offer down." "It looks good," I confessed, but still hesitating. "Only I shall have to have it in writing, and more in detail." "We'll talk that over in the morning; it's late now. Take the third stateroom starboard: it's all ready for you." "Then I am no longer to consider myself a prisoner onboard?" "Certainly not.

I found my way onboard the Tigress, where every one was greatly excited, and in high feather regarding our victory, the biggest thing since Donelson. I also obtained some food and small comforts for a few rebel officers, including young Johnston, Wolfe, and the Colonel Deshler already mentioned.

Agreeable relations with my officers and crew being thus satisfactorily established, I took up my quarters onboard, and forthwith proceeded to "learn" the ship that is to say, I made myself intimately acquainted with the localities and purposes of the numerous engines and pieces of machinery with which she was fitted, the number and positions of her magazines, and their contents, the number and situations of her torpedo tubes, the uses of the many fitments to be found in her conning tower, and in fact everything connected with her working, so that in the hour of action I might have every detail firmly fixed in my memory, ready for use at a moment's notice.

After that to bed. 27th. Early in the morning at making a fair new establishment of the Fleet to send to the Council. That in the deck is a small hatch-way." All the afternoon exceeding busy in writing of letters and orders. In the afternoon, Sir Harry Wright came onboard us, about his business of being chosen Parliament-man. My Lord brought him to see my cabin, when I was hard a-writing.

For the space of a couple of hours the boat slid swiftly through the waves and successive cordons of patrols passed them onwards with flickering signals. The men onboard a line of rusty drifters leaned over the sides of their plunging craft and waved as the jaws of their baleful traps opened to let them pass through.

"All safe, I believe, and onboard, well cared for, like yourself. It has been nearly two days since your raft was overhauled. This was what the captain called it," and she smiled. "The baby where is he? I hope he lived." "Yes, he is at last out of danger, and we have obtained a nurse for him. He would only trouble you now; but it is very natural you should be anxious about him."

Would not even Ellen be tempted to forget the service he had rendered her? Bobby had thought of all these things before on his cold, damp bed in the forest, in the watches of the tempestuous night onboard the schooner. But now, when he was almost in the presence of those he loved and respected, they had more force, and they nearly overwhelmed him.

He sat on the deck with his back against the superstructure and his hands clasped round his knees. "It's a topping day, too," added Malison from his vantage astride the coir-hawser reel. "Too good to waste onboard. The footer ground's bagged let's have a picnic in one of the cutters. Have tea ashore, an' fry bangers over a fire." The project found favour generally.

I used to call him papa. I am sure he must have been my father, and he was a sailor; for my mother was always looking out to sea when he was absent, and he took me onboard a man of war ship once, where, from the deference every one showed to him, I judge, now that I am older, that he must have been the Captain of. These things seem to me like shadows, for I was not more than five years old then.