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"Oh that must be between yourselves. Only, while I keep you here " "She understands my delay?" Mitchy thought. "Mrs. Brook must have explained." Then as his companion took this in silence, "But you don't like it?" he asked. "It only comes to me that Mrs. Brook's explanations !" "Are often so odd? Oh yes; but Nanda, you know, allows for that oddity. And Mrs.

It was after a sermon on this very chapter of Scripture history that Governor Griswold, in passing out of the house, laid hold on the sleeve of his first acquaintance: "Pray tell me," said he, "who is this minister?" "Why, it is old Father Morris." "Well, he is an oddity and a genius too, I declare!" he continued.

Broussel heard the scream of the young oddity, and, enchanted with this excess of zeal, came down to the first floor, for he was, in truth, working in his room on the second. "Well," said he, "friend, what matters the regiment of guards to us, and art thou not mad to make such a disturbance?

That oddity made himself as pleasant and as much like other people as he could in conversing with the old widower and the old maid, and took leave, engaging Tom to be at his inn at half past twelve, and spend the day with him and the minstrel. He then returned to the Golden Lamb, and waited there for his first visitant; the minstrel. That votary of the muse arrived punctually at twelve o'clock.

Animation, oddity, inconsequence, all these things Margaret observed in Kitty during luncheon in a restaurant of the Merceria, and various incidents connected with it; animation above all.

The real master is the caretaker, that old oddity, Jeanbernat, who has managed to find quarters in a lodge where the stones still hang together. There it is, see that grey building yonder, with its windows all smothered in ivy. The gig passed by a lordly iron gate, ruddy with rust, and lined inside with a layer of boards. The wide dry throats were black with brambles.

But none of the people were there to whom any such little speeches had to be made; nobody who needed any accounting to for its oddity was present at Desire Ledwith's wedding. Mr. Vireo officiated; there was something in his method and manner which Mrs. Megilp decidedly objected to. It was "everyday," she thought. "It didn't give you a feeling of sanctity.

She was generally very offish and reserved with strangers, but now a common misery made her have a fellow-feeling for the little oddity, and she responded graciously. Seizing the hand of the woman, whom she could almost have put into her pocket, she drew it through her arm, and said: "Ye may well say it; what a place hindeed! But hover I must go some ow, so come on, ma'am.

Nevertheless, the essence of what we call humour is that amusing weaknesses should be combined with an amicable humanity. Whether it be in the way of ingenuity, or oddity, or drollery, the humorous person must have an absurd side, or be placed in an absurd situation. Yet this comic aspect, at which we ought to wince, seems to endear the character all the more.

"I can't remember, except that it was on the left side, and I always noticed it when he smiled." "Did he wear any ring or pin which you would recognize?" "No." "Had he any oddity of speech or voice?" "No. Just a heavy, drawling manner. He spoke like thousands of other cultured Englishmen. But wait a minute yes! There was one other point.