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No doubt it was inspired partly by the recollection of kindnesses received from many whom I shall never meet again; partly, also, by my familiarity with the ancient soil itself, and remembrance of shapes and places: the long blue visions down channels between islands the faint grey fishing hamlets hiding in stony bays the elfish oddity of narrow streets in little primitive towns the forms and tints of peak and vale made lovable by daily intimacy the crooked broken paths to shadowed shrines of gods with long mysterious names the butterfly-drifting of yellow sails out of the glow of an unknown horizon.

One might have read Will Grange's character in his kind, honest face; and his wife looked like a morning in May, all sweetness, brightness, and beauty, such beauty as is not merely skin-deep. The farmer tapped gaily on the table, and at the signal, Oddity, whom I had not at first perceived, clambered up to his knee, and from thence jumped on the cloth, to be fed from his master's hand.

It was perhaps premature to throw down the gauntlet at sixteen, but her inexperience and isolation were complete. The grandmother in her dotage was no counsellor at all. Deschartres, an oddity himself, cared for none of these things.

The doctor mentioned the fact that he had that morning received letters from their parents and friends, announcing their arrival; but the oddity of it was that he seemed to know, at sight, the right name for each boy, and the right boy for each name. "He might have guessed at Dick," thought Ford; "but how did he know me?"

But that does not help one to explain to one's self the oddity of some social conventions. Oddest of all our Roman social conventions is the contrast between the insistence on complete concealment of the human figure everywhere else and the universal acceptance of its display at the Thermae.

Carteret to him to perceive that he considered his father had done a definite work, prematurely interrupted, which had been an absolute benefit to the people of England. The oddity was, however, that though both Mr. Carteret's aspect and his appreciation were still so fresh this relation of his to his late distinguished friend made the latter appear to Nick even more irrecoverably dead.

"Why on earth," Jim reflected, "couldn't she have left the old chap alone? The party was all right without him we didn't want any one else least of all an odd oddity like this." And though the other boys were loyal to Norah, she certainly suffered a fall in their estimation, and was classed for the moment with the usual run of "girls who do rummy things."

There was nothing in the act which could have moved a stranger to anything but a smile at the oddity of it, but it touched Paul almost to tears when the gray old man lugged out of his coat-tail pocket a whole newspaper, and having pinched from it a most economical fragment, singed his fingers at the bars in the act of lighting it.

Pitman; unless perhaps the oddity would be even greater for himself the oddity of her having taken into her head an appeal to him. She had had to feel alone with a vengeance inwardly alone and miserably alarmed to be ready to "meet," that way, at the first sign from him, the successor to her dim father in her dim father's lifetime, the second of her mother's two divorced husbands.

The man at the table took up the hedge-carpenter's remark, and added smartly, 'True; but the oddity of my trade is that, instead of setting a mark upon me, it sets a mark upon my customers. No observation being offered by anybody in elucidation of this enigma, the shepherd's wife once more called for a song.