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Updated: August 23, 2024

If Caesar, men will forgive me all the means to the end; if nullus, London has a river, and in every street one may buy a cord!" "Vivian! Vivian!" "Now go, my dear friend, while my heart is softened, go before I shock you with some return of the native Adam. Go, go!" And taking me gently by the arm, Francis Vivian drew me from the room, and re-entering, locked his door.

"I have always thought," he wrote in 1823, "with regard to ambition, that I should like to be aut Caesar aut nullus; and as it is pretty well settled for me that I shall not be Caesar, I am quite content to live in peace as nullus." But the fates had ordered it otherwise.

A gay young man mounted on a courser and attended by friends also on horseback. One of his companions carries a scroll: "Invenies multos, si res tibi floret, amicos;" another carries another scroll: "Si fortuna perit, nullus amicus erit." The Prodigal far from Home. He flaunts his rich raiment and carries a lute; one would say he is enjoying life. The Allegory of the False Friends.

"I am nullus, in the eye of the law, as regards poor Tom; who, until he marries, and has children of his own, is altogether without legal kindred. Nor do I know that legitimacy would make Tom any better; for he is presuming and confident enough for the heir apparent to the throne, as it is."

At any rate, it is too late now, and I will accept the responsibility. If the question is raised, I will attend to it. When I am performing an operation I must be aut Caesar, aut nullus." Dr. Price was not reassured, but he had done his duty and felt the reward of virtue. If there should be trouble, he would not be responsible. Moreover, there was a large fee at stake, and Dr.

Est autem diamas paruus praeciosus lapis, magnae virtutis, sicut plenius describitur in lapidariis. Quidam inueniuntur in magnitudine pisi, vel etiam piso minores: alii ad quantitatem fabae, sed nullus maior auellana, vel nuce.

"What can the poor fellow mean?" demanded the admiral, more concerned than he remembered ever before to have been, on any similar occasion. "One could wish to serve him as much as possible, but all this about 'nullus, and 'whole blood, and 'half, is so much gibberish to me can you make any thing of it, hey! Atwood?"

"Sed nullus major labor quam libri de Rerum Varietate quem cum sæpius mutassem, demum traductis quibuscunque insignioribus rebus in libros de Subtilitate, ita illum exhausi, ut totus denuo conscribendus fuerit atque ex integro restituendus." Opera, tom. i. p. 74. He seems to have utilized the services of Ludovico Ferrari in compiling this work. Opera, tom. i. p. 64. De Varietate, p. 661.

If you are not my good angel, it is that nature and habit are too strong for you. Certainly some day we shall meet again. I shall have time, in the mean while, to see if the world can be indeed 'mine oyster, which I with sword can open. I would be aut Caesar aut nullus! Very little other Latin know I to quote from!

"I never heard the saying. If ever used, it must be some silly play on sounds, and mean a numskull or, perhaps, a fling at a fellow's position, by saying he is a 'nobody. Who the deuce has been calling another a nullus, in the presence of the commander-in-chief of the southern squadron?"

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