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Thou desirest an answer to thy doubts as to the birth of thy sister Nitetis." "I have no curiosity; I come rather to warn thee, and to remind thee that I am not the only one who is acquainted with this mystery." "Speakest thou of Phanes?" "Of whom else should I speak? He is banished from Egypt and from his own country, and must leave Naukratis in a few days.

The Egyptian seemed formed of nobler, better stuff than they all. They were flattering, coaxing girls; Nitetis was a queen. They humbled themselves in the dust at his feet; but when he thought of Nitetis, he beheld her erect, standing before him, on the same proud level as himself.

The son of Hystaspes agreed at once, and began by relating the events which we have heard already. Bartja, especially, was distressed at hearing of Nitetis' sad end, and the discovery of Amasis' fraud filled them all with astonishment. After a short pause, Darius went on: "When once Nitetis' descent had been fully proved, Cambyses was like a changed man.

The eunuch rubbed his jeweled hands, smiling the while as was his custom, and murmured: "It can't fail to succeed now; the girl is caught, her lover is at my beck and call, the old secret flight of steps is in good order, Nitetis has been weeping bitterly on a day of universal rejoicing, and the blue lily opens to-morrow night. Ah, ha! my little plan can't possibly fail now.

Nitetis soon began to look upon the blind queen as a beloved and loving mother, and the merry, spirited Atossa nearly made up to her for the loss of her sister Tachot, so far away on the distant Nile. She could not have desired a better companion than this gay, cheerful girl, whose wit and merriment effectually prevented homesickness or discontent from settling in her friend's heart.

Cambyses, however, would gladly have given ten times as much treasure to secure possession of the traitor. To Phaedime's despair the king ordered all the inhabitants of the harem, except his mother, Atossa and the dying Nitetis, to be removed to Susa, two days after the accused had been declared innocent. Several eunuchs of rank were deposed from their offices.

I know you agree with me, Neithotep, for in your heart you mean well to Egypt. Now read me the prayers. I feel exhausted; my end must be very near. If I could only forget that poor Nitetis! had she the right to curse us? May the judges of the dead-may Osiris have mercy on our souls! Sit down by me, Ladice; lay thy hand on my burning forehead.

Neither was he aware how ardently Nitetis longed to please her proud lord and master. Even Amasis, who so revered the Samian philosopher, who had so often yielded to Hellenic influence, and who with good reason might be called a free-thinking Egyptian, would sooner have exchanged life for death, than his multiform gods for the one idea "Deity."

Nitetis, on her dying-bed, had begged him to spare the life of this unhappy youth. One hour later the sentence was submitted to the king for ratification. It ran thus: "Victory to the king!

Indeed every object gave evidence that our caravan was approaching the metropolis of a carefully governed and civilized state. Nitetis and her retinue now halted at a long brick house, roofed with asphalte, and surrounded by a grove of plane-trees. Here Croesus was lifted from his horse, and approaching the carriage, exclaimed: "Here we are at length at the last station!