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She was always naggin' me." "I don't think Lucretia Burns would nag anybody. I don't say you're all to blame, but I'm afraid you haven't acknowledged you were any to blame. I'm afraid you've not been patient with her. I'm going out to bring her in. If she comes, will you say you were part to blame? You needn't beg her pardon just say you'll try to be better. Will you do it?

'How are you, Jemmy? says I. 'Very well, I thank ye kindly, Bryan, says he; 'shall we turn back to Paddy Salmon's and take a naggin of whiskey to our better acquaintance? 'I don't care if I did, Jemmy, says I; 'only it is what I can't take the whiskey, because I'm under an oath against it for a month. Ever since, please your honour, the day your honour met me on the road, and observed to me I could hardly stand, I had taken so much; though upon my conscience your honour wronged me greatly that same time ill luck to them that belied me behind my back to your honour!

'They was a naggin' again last night, an' then theer was a shot; and then ten minutes arterwards that Barndale bolts and knocks me over at the bottom o' the station steps. What's all that pint to? 'Oh, said another, 'there can't be no mortal shadder of a doubt who done it.

And Susy's tongue trilled an accompaniment to his thanks. "Lord! it seems so nice to be here just you and me, Clarence like in the old days with nobody naggin' and swoopin' round after you. Don't be greedy, Clarence, but give me a cake." She took one and finished the dregs of his glass.

"Hurd has been in good work since October, and has no need to poach. Westall has a down on him. You may tell him I think so, if you like." "That I will," said Mrs. Jellison, cheerfully, opening the door for them. "There's nobody makes 'im 'ear the trëuth, nobbut me. I loves naggin' ov 'im, ee's that masterful. But ee don't master me!"

"You wouldn't have got it if you had asked," said Brummy, uncompromisingly. "Look here!" with vehemence. "Didn't I keep yer in tobacco and buy yer gory pants? What are you naggin' about anyway?" "Well," said Swampy, "all I was goin' to say was that yer might let me carry one of them quids in case you lost one yer know you're careless and lose things; or in case anything happened to you."

He was talkin' through his Sunday hat all the time, pretendin' to stick up for Virelet, knowin' perfectly well what she is, and cussin' and swearin' at her for it in his heart, and naggin' at me because there wasn't anybody else to go for." "He was trying to help you, Ranny." "If God can't help me, strikes me it's pretty fair cheek of Uncle to presume " He meditated.

'Tuppince, Docthor Dillon, said a short, fat, dirty nymph, without stays or hoop, setting down a 'naggin o' whiskey' between the medical man and his visitor. The doctor, to do him justice, for a second or two looked confoundedly put out, and his eyes blazed fiercer as his face flushed.

If either one of ye's in sight at ther end of thet time, I'm ergoin' ter begin shootin'. Ef I sees ye ergin naggin' round me from now on, I'm goin' ter begin shootin' too, an' shoot ter kill." She meant it, and after a questioning glance they knew that she meant it. With some grumbled incoherence, they went on. They even went at a gallop, and Alexander saw them no more.

But it's the keepin' cool, an' not flyin' out when I get provoked, 'specially with that Theodore Yorke. Miss Amy, you never saw the like of him. He's just the meanest chap ever breathed; and the way he finds out things you don't want him to know, an' keeps bringin' 'em up an' naggin' about 'em, is the worst."