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Updated: August 14, 2024

Why don't yees give the nager up dasently, an' don't be botherin'. An' isn't it the law of South Carolina, be dad; an' be the mortis, ye'd be getting' no small dale of a pinalty for the same yer doin'," said Dunn.

"I am sure I do not want to go, dear," said Cicely, with the smile of good-fellowship that always went to the heart of Miriam. Molly Tooney waited with some impatience the result of Miriam's interview with Mike. If the "nager" should be discharged for taking cold victuals like a beggar, Molly would be glad of it; it would suit her much better to have a nice Irish boy in his place.

"Pray have you, my man," said the elder of the two, "been acquainted with the circumstances of this boy's illness?" "Is it the poor scholar, my Lord?* Oh thin bedad it's myself that has that. The poor crathur was in a terrible way all out, so he was. He caught the faver in the school beyant, one day, an' was turned out by the nager o' the world that he was larnin' from."

"Oh, Phaddhy, Phaddhy!" shouted his Reverence, laughing heartily, "I done you for once I done you, my man, cute as you thought yourself: why, you nager you, did you think to put us off with punch, and you have a stocking of hard guineas hid in a hole in the wall?" "What does yer Rev'rence mane," said Phaddhy; "for myself can make no understanding out of it, at all at all?"

"Where I have lived," said La Fleur, "they have such women to cook for the farm laborers." "Beggin' your pardon, mum," said Molly, "that's what they are here, or th' same thing. Mr. Haverley, he works on the farm with a pitchfork, jest like the nager man." "Don't talk to me like that!" exclaimed La Fleur. "Mr. Haverley is a gentleman.

Ay, ar'n't you the cream of a dirty, black bodagh, for to go to attack the poor boy only for speaking to a dacent and a purty girl that hasn't a stain upon her name, or upon the name of one of her seed, breed, or generation, you miserly nager.

"Much good may the faint do the big, auld woman," said Bridget, with an air of indifference. "The divel takes a mighty good care of his own." "Quid mortibus portendibus," repeated Bowles, as Bridget ran to the door with the tongs upraised, causing him to beat a hasty retreat. "Bad luck to such a nager!" exclaimed Bridget, as Bowles shut the door.

They both paused to listen, but no car was audible. "I do not," replied the niece; "but isn't it odd that he lets her carry the money, an' him trates her so badly'?" "Why would it be odd? Sure, she takes betther care of it, an' puts it farther than he does. His heart's in a farden, the nager." "Rody an' the other will soon spare her that trouble, any way," replied the niece.

'Is it the nager ye want to see? exclaimed Dennis 'and how the devil did ye know we had a nager shut up in the cellar, any how? 'Oh, replied the boy, 'a lady of my acquaintance is aware of the fact, and she sent me here to present you with this five dollar gold piece, and to ask your consent to my delivering a short message to the black man.

"If we sell liquor we will be fined, and if we have to pay a couple of hundred dollars in this way, or kape company with the rats for five or six months in jail, I guess we'll soon tire of that game. And they say that ould nager of a service is a regular sleuth-hound on the hunt. By St.

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