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Updated: August 11, 2024

And after he had returned home, and declared the pleasant and fruitful Countries that he had seen, without Inhabitants; and upon the contrary, for what barren and wild Ground his Brethren and Nephews did murther one another, he prepared a number of Ships, and got with him such Men and Women as were desirous to live in quietness, and taking leave of his Friends, took his Journey thitherwards again.

Few things Adam Ferris liked better than a look at the Court of the Lions during feeding time, when Rob Dickson rose in his place to salute him and the Young Lions bent lower over their wooden platters, "eating away like murther" lest any neighbour should get ahead of them in the race.

Captain Argall says: "I was told by certain Indians, my friends, that the great Powhatan's daughter Pokahuntis was with the great King Potowomek, whither I presently repaired, resolved to possess myself of her by any stratagem that I could use, for the ransoming of so many Englishmen as were prisoners with Powhatan, as also to get such armes and tooles as he and other Indians had got by murther and stealing some others of our nation, with some quantity of corn for the colonies relief."

"Murder!" exclaimed Claudia, starting up and gazing at the speaker with horror-distended eyes. "Just murther!" gasped the housekeeper, sinking down in the armchair beside her lady's bed, because in truth her limbs gave way beneath her. "Who? what? For Heaven's sake, speak!" "The puir bit lassie " began the dame; but her voice failed, and she covered her face with her apron and began to howl.

"Aw cum off, Hickey," said Sullivan, "phat the divil does yez know av foightin' injuns? Phat were ye over in the auld sod? Nathin' but a turf digger. Phat were ye here before ye 'listed? Dom ye, I think ye belong to the Clan na Gael and helped to murther poor Doc Cronin, bad cess to ye."

"`I've been an outrageous wicked fellow all my life, and have done all sorts of bad things, says Tim. `I've consorted with pirates, and have seen many a robbery and cruel murther committed but I won't talk of that now.

I tell you agin I'll turn out o' my nor-aist coorse for no man." A shotted gun was fired. The shot hopped on the water as it passed before the hooker. "Phew! you missed it, like your mammy's blessin'," said Barny. "O murther!" said Jemmy, "didn't you see the ball hop aff the wather forninst you. O murther, what 'ud we ha' done if we wor there at all at all?"

Och, murther! if there isn't Bobby Selkirk gone an' tumbled into Port Hamilton wid the cabbage, av it's not the carrots!" "There now, don't talk so much, boys," cried Peter Logan. "Let's drink success to the Bell Rock Lighthouse." It need scarcely be said that this toast was drunk with enthusiasm, and that it was followed up with "three times three". "Now for a song.

Sure, said Aurora, dropping into her honied brogue, 'it's fer the love of me ye're comin', not for the dthrop o' drink. Murther! would ye kill me wid denyin' it? She was sitting on the counter; she pressed her fingers on his lips, and laughed in his face with happy impudence, her large handsome mouth full of pearls, her eyes flashing a challenge.

'Don't call names, says the divil; 'you had better keep a civil tongue in your head, says he; 'and it doesn't become a gintleman to forget good manners. 'Oh, murther! says he, 'who's there? for he was afeard to look up.

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