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O Peter, what a scandalous torpid element of yellow London fog, favorable to owls only and their mousing operations, has blotted out the stars of Heaven for us these several generations back, which, I rejoice to see, is now visibly about to take itself away again, or perhaps to be dispelled in a very tremendous manner! For the sake of my Democratic friends, one other observation.

At this moment, glancing out of the bay window for he loved this seat whence he could see everybody pass his eye unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, chanced to light on the figure of Soames, who was mousing across the road from the Green Park-side, with the evident intention of coming in, for he, too, belonged to 'The Iseeum.

Old rusty pumps: damn the thing else. The resurrection and the life. Once you are dead you are dead. That last day idea. Knocking them all up out of their graves. Come forth, Lazarus! And he came fifth and lost the job. Get up! Last day! Then every fellow mousing around for his liver and his lights and the rest of his traps. Find damn all of himself that morning. Pennyweight of powder in a skull.

That was the best and the only great thing I saw in the Great Ridge Wood, for the curse of the pheasant is on it as on all the woods and forests in Wiltshire, and all wild life considered injurious to the semi-domestic bird, from the sparrowhawk to the harrier and buzzard and goshawk, and from the little mousing weasel to the badger; and all the wild life that is only beautiful, or which delights us because of its wildness, from the squirrel to the roe-deer, must be included in the slaughter.

After this they left him in peace: they had forgotten that he was a hawk, and that even the gentle mousing wind-hover has a nobler spirit than any crow of them all. On first coming to the cathedral I noticed a few pigeons sitting on the roof and ledges very high up, and, not seeing them well, I assumed that they were of the common or domestic kind.

Their sharp, cur-like barks used often to rouse us, and of a dark evening we would hear them out in the fields, "mousing" around the stone-heaps, making a queer, squeaking sound like a mouse, to call the real mice out of their grass nests inside the stone-heaps. This, indeed, is a favorite trick of Reynard. We owned a flock of thirty-one turkeys.

His few speeches in the adjoining counties had shown them his maturing intellect, his expanding power in debate. Acting upon himself, this renewed practice on the stump crystallized his thought and brought method to his argument. The opposition newspapers had accused him of "mousing about the libraries in the State House." The charge was true.

I had been told that the whole region thereabout had been transformed by the creation of a new boulevard. I did not find it so. There was the house, the lower part turned into a shop, but there were the windows out of which I used to look along the Rue Vaugirard, au troisieme the first year, au second the second year. Why should I go mousing about the place?

"Yes, that'll do; only keep clear of the girt-lines, you're too stiff for that." "No, that would not exactly tell; I shall pick my own work, and that's where I can bring my tarry trousers to an anchor mousing the mainstay, or puddening the anchor, with the best of any. Dick, lend us a bit of 'baccy." Short pulled out his box without saying a word.

I trust I have effects enough of my own shall endeavor to get along with them, at any rate, and not go mousing around to get hold of somebody's that are 'void. But do you not see? this woman is a widow she has no 'lord. He is dead or pretended to be, when they buried him.