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When I think on one, with his confederates, I remember the danger of Coriolanus, who was afraid that girls with spits, and boys with stones, should slay him in puny battle; when the other crosses my imagination, I remember the prodigy in Macbeth, An eagle tow'ring in his pride of place, Was by a mousing owl hawk'd at and kill'd. Let me however do them justice. One is a wit, and one a scholar.

Tommie was already acquainted with him, having been kicked out of his tannery once when on an innocent mousing expedition. "Say," said the tanner, "will my Uncle Jean leave me his farm?" "No," answered Tommie, winking his left eye. "That he won't! He knows you are always wishing he would die!"

"You and your mousing tricks!" said Grater contemptuously. But Jeremiah only yawned. "There's a cooky jar at home with something in it," he reminded Grater. "Let's go." With a bound Jeremiah and Grater mounted their weary steeds, and in a moment they were out of sight over the tree tops. "Did you ever!" exclaimed Hortense. "I think we'd better go home," Andy suggested.

Since that ere black-eyed pussy-cat came here and got to mousing around, there hasn't been a mite of comfort anywhere, in-doors or out. The very boat, as was as kind a craft as ever tuk to water's got to running contrary, and is allus cutting across currents, and tussling agin the wind.

Circumstances, for which they were not responsible, and over which they could exercise no control, have barred them out from their seeming true position in the world, and the genius which was intended for the daylight and the eagle's flight towards the sun, is left to skim in darkness along the ground, like the course of the mousing owl.

My ignorance was not altogether my fault; I had fancied easily finding at some bookseller's under the arcade a little sketch of the local history such as you are sure of finding in any Italian town, done by a local antiquary of those always mousing in the city's archives.

Oh, brave as generous!" she exclaimed, with a burst of tremendous delirium, terminating in a shriek; "oh, brave as generous! scarcely lion-like, however, for the noble beast rushes upon his victim. He does not prowl, and skulk, and sneak, watching, cat-like; crouching and base, in stealth and darkness. Very noble, but mousing spirit! Beware! Do I not know you now!

Come, forward march, and do your duty, Though poor your grub, no rum, bad 'bacca, Step out, for fighting and no booty, To trace a free red line thro' Africa. No barney, boys, give over mousing, True Britons are ye from hill and fen, Now rally lads, and drop all grousing, And pull together like soldier-men. Chorus.

Teleology tells us that they do so because they were expressly constructed for so doing that they are perfect mousing apparatuses, so perfect and so delicately adjusted that no one of their organs could be altered, without the change involving the alteration of all the rest.

We stood before it at evening when the setting sun flooded it with crimson, the bearded heads lazily swirling under the wings of the wind, the mousing hawk dipping into its green deeps like the eagle into the sea, and our hearts expanded with the beauty and the mystery of it, and back of all this was the knowledge that its abundance meant a new carriage, an addition to the house or a new suit of clothes.