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Comstock returned his attention to his biscuit and gravy. "I'm a failure as a news monger," he grunted. "Go on. You tell me." And Thornton told him. Before he had finished Comstock had pushed back his chair and was letting his coffee go cold.

We should miss some spicy contributions to magazine and newspaper literature; and a sudden silence would fall upon some loud-mouthed living. But we despair of any cure for this evil. No ridicule, no indignation seems to touch it. People must make the best they can of their glass houses; and, if the stones come too fast, take refuge in the cellars. The Old-Clothes Monger in Journalism.

They will do to think about, while I lie awake, as well as anything else. I must hold them tight though, for I feel them sliding away, and in their stead are the Mannings, husband and wife, hanging on the top of Horse- monger Lane Jail. In connexion with which dismal spectacle, I recall this curious fantasy of the mind.

These rumors quieted the Captain and made him smile. Just as the Captain and his cousin, Aunt Isabel, were of different opinions about the miracle, so, too, the other friends of the family were divided into different parties those who followed the miracle monger, and those who followed the Government. The latter party, however, was quite insignificant.

The heart, not of a mere hot-blooded, popular verse monger, or poetical Restaurateur, but of a true poet and singer, worthy of the old religious heroic times, had been given him: and he fell in an age, not of heroism and religion, but of scepticism, selfishness and triviality, when true nobleness was little understood, and its place supplied by a hollow, dissocial, altogether barren and unfruitful principle of pride.

Fortunately for the common sense of mankind, there are others who repudiate this rigid rule and excuse for human conduct; who refuse to accept as a pattern of morality, the Sabbath breaker, tyrant, oppressor of the poor, the grasping money maker, or charity monger, even though his personal chastity may entitle him to canonization.

By and by the monger was shown into the Count's room, where there was a table, with books and writing material a corner room full lighted by windows in the south and east. When they were alone, the two gazed at each other. "Ali, son of Abed-din!" said the Count. "Is it thou?" "O Emir! All of me that is not fish is the Ali thou hast named." "God is great!" the first exclaimed.

There was an idea, too, that snakes had a knowledge of herbs, which is referred to in the famous poem of Nikander on Theriaka. You may remember that when Alexander, the famous quack and oracle monger, depicted by Lucian, started out "for revenue," the first thing he did was to provide himself with two of the large, harmless, yellow snakes of Asia Minor. Lines 31, etc., and Scholia; cf.

Coming thus, without knowledge, any might have judged him an honest coal monger busy at his trade. Those who entered so hastily rushed upon him; Edmond Doubleday raised a dagger, intent upon driving it into his body, but seeing Fawkes unarmed he lowered the steel and seized him by the shoulders. In an instant the soldier shook off the other's grasp.

While eating my dinner humble of porterhouse steak and peas, and honey from bees that bumble, and maybe imported cheese I think, with a bitter feeling, of insolent money kings, who, drunk with their wealth and reeling, condemn me to eat such things. The pirate and banknote monger still gloat o'er their golden stacks, while I must appease my hunger with oysters and canvasbacks.