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Updated: August 5, 2024

For the little boy who is here, keep him Auntie, until his father claims him, and should his father never return, take him before some man high in position, and tell him that a wretched mother leaves him to the care of his country, as a momento of one of the patriot band who died in her service."

"Dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento huc atque Illuc impellitur."

Mad with hate, however, against the dead man, he enters the room that night, searches his private papers in the hope of discovering some memorandum relating to the treasure, and finally leaves a momento of his visit in the short inscription upon the card.

In my mind's eye I saw a most pathetic little bundle made of love-letters; I pictured them tied with a pretty faded ribbon; there would be dried flowers, each one a momento of some happy occasion. I could fancy the dried roses, the withered forget-me-nots, the violets, with some faint odor lingering still around them.

Wentworth gazed upon this last momento of long past happiness, and a spasm of grief contracted her features. It passed away, however, in an instant, and she laid the dress across the dead body of her child. Drawing a chair to the bedside, she took from her pocket a spool of thread, some needles and her scissors.

Importa poco que la aspiración al sufragismo aparezca en su estado inicial o tenga la forma vaga de una proposición no definida y concreta: desde el momento en que ha apuntado esa aspiración, para mi es que ha brotado la semilla a flor de tierra y es inútil ahogarla, pues volverá a brotar.

I was glad to shut the sight from my eyes. We waited silently in the bedroom, Lola sitting on the bed and hiding her face in the pillows, and I standing by the window and looking out at the smiling mockery of the fair earth. An agonising spasm of pain a momento mori shot through me and passed away. I thanked God that a few weeks would see the end of me. I had always enjoyed the comedy of life.

DOÑA MATILDE. No, papá duerme todavía y estará sin duda bien lejos de soñar o de pensar que el terrible momento se aproxima en que va a decidirse para siempre el porvenir de su hija única y querida ... ¡para siempre! Ay, Bruno, si pudieras comprender toda la fuerza y la extensión de esta palabra ¡para siempre!

He came back again almost directly, bearing the book as a sacristan might bear a black-letter Bible. "Ecco, Signora." With a superb gesture he placed it before her. "The coffee, the fine. Attendez, Signora, pour un petit momento." He stood to see the effect of his French upon her. She forced into her face a look of pious admiration, and he at once departed.

And before I return to Gheria from a little journey I am about to make, you may have joined the majority of those who have tempted fate in this insalubrious clime. Horae momento cita mors yen it you remember the phrase?" Diggle leaned against the wooden wall, watching with malicious enjoyment the effect of his words. Desmond was very pale; all his strength seemed to have deserted him.

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