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"One's for breathing adjustment, one's for the density unit, one is my ion-drive 'throttle, and this last is for the sonar pulse which will duplicate the porpoise sound." The suit worked perfectly in a tank test. Chow was amazed as he listened to Tom gliding about, via an underwater microphone. "If that don't beat all!" he declared. "Can't tell the difference 'twixt you an' Smiley!"

It consists of a primary coil of No. 20 B. and S. gauge cotton covered magnet wire wound on a core of soft iron wires while around the primary coil is wound a secondary coil of No. 30 magnet wire. Get a standard telephone induction coil that has a resistance of 500 or 750 ohms and this will cost you a couple of dollars. The Microphone Transformer.

For this telephone transmitting set you need: one aerial ammeter; one tuning coil; one telephone modulator; one aerial series condenser; one 4 cell dry battery or a 6 volt storage battery; one microphone transmitter; one battery switch; one grid condenser; one grid leak; two 5 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; one blocking condenser; one oscillation choke coil; two filter condensers; one filter reactance coil; an alternating current power transformer, and two 20 watt rectifier vacuum tubes.

The fact that a microphone is reversible and can act as a receiver, though a poor one, tends to confirm this theory. Moreover, it is not unlikely that the slipping of the stylus in the electromotograph is due to a similar cause. Be this as it may, there can be no doubt that carbon powder and the lamp-black of the Edison button are essentially a cluster of microphones.

Indeed, even the platinum point, which in the early form of the Reis transmitter pressed against the platinum contact cemented to the centre of the diaphragm, was a microphone." At a time when most people were amazed at the idea of hearing, with the aid of a "microphone," a fly walk at a distance of many miles, the priority of invention of such a device was hotly disputed.

I had gone into the darkness of the tunnels, crouching low, striking my steel hat with sharp, spine-jarring knocks against the low beams overhead, coming into galleries where one could stand upright and walk at ease in electric light, hearing the vibrant hum of great engines, the murmur of men's voices in dark crypts, seeing numbers of men sleeping on bunks in the gloom of caverns close beneath the German lines, and listening through a queer little instrument called a microphone, by which I heard the scuffle of German feet in German galleries a thousand yards away, the dropping of a pick or shovel, the knocking out of German pipes against charcoal stoves.

We are on the northern cap. "We have the microphone turned way down. Let's step up the power a bit and see if there are any sounds outside," said Arcot and walked over to the power control switch. An instant later a low hum came from the loudspeaker. There was a light breeze blowing.

Between the diaphragm of the telephone receiver and that of the phonographic microphone is fitted an air chamber of adjustable size, open to the outer atmosphere by a small hole to prevent compression. I think," he added with a smile, "it will afford a pretty good means of collecting souvenirs of friends by preserving the sound of their voices through the telephone." For several minutes we waited.

The button of soot has vanished into the limbo of superseded inventions. Science appears to show that every physical process is reciprocal, and may be reversed. With this principle in our minds, we need not be surprised that the microphone should not only act as a TRANSMITTER of sounds, but that it should also act as a RECEIVER. Mr.

He devised some ten or twelve different forms, each an improvement on its predecessors, which transmitted music fairly well, and even a word or two of speech with more or less perfection. But the apparatus failed as a practical means of talking to a distance. The discovery of the microphone by Professor Hughes has enabled us to understand the reason of this failure.