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Mellicent, her slender young self enveloped in a similar apron, was dusting his room as he entered it. She nodded absently, with a casual "Good-morning, Mr. Smith," as she continued at her work. Even the placing of the two big trunks, which the shuffling men brought in, won from her only a listless glance or two. Then, without speaking again, she left the room, as her mother entered it. "There!"

A hand clutched Mellicent's arm in ecstatic grasp, and a tremulous voice spoke in her ear. "Mellicent, darling! Is it really you?" "Oh, my goodness, Peggy, have you come at last?

If I were the manager, I wouldn't allow it!" declared Mellicent in righteous wrath; then her eyes turned to her companion, and a tardy realisation of the position seemed to dawn upon her. "Oh, Peggy!" she cried, and again, "Oh, Peggy! I'm so glad to see you again. It has seemed such a long, long time since you went away, and there was no one like you no one who could ever take your place."

They mayn't be very good at first, but you will be interested to see her in different positions. We will take her walking, and bicycling, and sitting in the garden, and every way we can think of " "And whenever she has a new dress or hat, so that you may know what they are like," added Mellicent anxiously. "Are her hats going to be the same as ours, or is she to choose them for herself?"

Do me a favour, my good boy. Just wait till I have seen her, will you?" Mrs. Farnaby, Mellicent, Rufus all three strangers to each other; and all three agreed nevertheless in trying to part him from the beautiful young Englishwoman! "I don't care," Amelius thought to himself "They may say what they please I'll marry Regina, if she will have me!"

Mellicent burst into fresh tears, and Peggy looked anxiously into Arthur's face. It was drawn and fixed, and his lips were set, as if in endurance of actual physical pain. Four days before Peggy left town she had an amusing encounter with one of her old friends.

"But I do say, 'No fool like an old fool'!" "Nonsense!" scorned Miss Maggie again. "Mr. Smith has always been fond of Mellicent, and and interested in her. But I don't believe he cares for her that way." Then why does he come to see her and take her auto-riding, and hang around her every minute he gets a chance?" snapped Jane.

Mellicent, with implicit faith that the hundred thousand is coming wants to wear her best frocks every day. And, as if she were not already quite excited enough, young Pennock has very obviously begun to sit up and take notice." "You don't mean he is trying to come back so soon!" disbelieved Mr. Smith. "Well, he's evidently caught the glitter of the gold from afar," smiled Miss Maggie.

Mellicent was staring at her with big, round eyes; the vicar peered over the rim of his spectacles; Esther passed the marmalade with eager solicitude; her friends were all full of sympathy, but there was a "Touch-me-if-you-dare!" atmosphere about Peggy that day which silenced the words on their lips.

Peggy looked from her to Mellicent, who was considered quite a beauty among her companions, and, oh dear me! how plain, and fat, and prosaic she appeared when viewed side by side with this radiant vision! Esther stood the comparison better, for, though her long face had no pretensions to beauty, it was thoughtful and interesting in expression.