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A chain fence encircles this proud and noble monument, and shuts off all conveyances. Pedestrians can enter until dusk. An ascent of 272 steps brings the visitor to the platform at the top, from which one of the finest views of Paris and the surrounding country may be enjoyed. There are three other triumphal arches in Paris. The oldest is that of Porte St. Denis.

Potter, if I were you and you were Regina Orme, I think I would have my tongue cut out, before it should ask you such questions. Then Peyton told me she looked at him as if she were reading his secret soul, and added; 'It is hard not to understand everything, but I will be patient, for mother writes that some day I shall know all; and no matter what people say no matter how strange things may seem I will believe in my mother, as I believe in God! Most girls of her age would be curious to discover what is concealed from her, but although your uncle thinks she is uncertain whether her father be living or dead, she carefully shuns all reference to the subject.

It sometimes causes uncomfortable colicky sensations, which may even be very distressing, and the disorders of digestion which accompany it are often very considerable; certainly more so than in the case of the other varieties of worms; but I have seen no instance of convulsions which could be attributed to them, notwithstanding the generally received opinion to the contrary.

Towards the end of summer in the middle of the glacier it was only a little over an inch in twenty-four hours. The trip to Mono from the Soda Springs can be made in a day, but many days may profitably be spent near the shores of the lake, out on its islands and about the volcanoes.

"This child too is somewhat simple," observed Chia Chen; "for what need has she to be taking off her clothes, and changing them for others? And were she again to catch a chill, she would add something more to her illness; and won't it be dreadful! The clothes may be no matter how fine, but what is their worth, after all?

You may stay here to-night, and he can call for you in the morning." John Linden closed the secretary, and left the room, leaving Florence sobbing. The servants, too, retired, and Curtis was left alone with her. "Florence," he said, "accept my hand, and I will reconcile my uncle to you. Say but the word, and " "I can never speak it, Curtis! I will take my uncle at his word.

A few of his records may be given: in 1910, flying at Laffan's Plain in his biplane, fitted with a 50-60 horsepower Green engine, on December 31st, he broke the records for distance and time by flying 185 miles, 787 yards, in 4 hours 37 minutes.

And when I have done the remnant of the work appointed me on earth, then joyfully wait for the heavenly perfection, in God's good time, when by His infinite mercy I may be accounted worthy to enter into the same place of rest and repose where he is gone, for whom only I grieve." Many letters in similar strain are preserved, to Dr. Burnet, Dr. Patrick and other pious friends who like Dr.

Bear my loving greetings to all. And take care of poor Barbara!" "Madam, there must be no private messages," said Paulett. "I send no messages save what you yourself may hear, sir," replied the Queen. "My greetings to my faithful servants, and my entreaty that all care and tenderness may be shown to Mrs. Curll."

Free trade, one of the greatest blessings which a government can confer on a people, is in almost every country unpopular. It may be well doubted, whether a liberal policy with regard to our commercial relations would find any support from a parliament elected by universal suffrage.