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Updated: July 31, 2024

Granet had interpellated Pichereau with a view to succeed him, and Pichereau fell without Granet succeeding him. A Ministry had been hastily formed, with Collard at its head, and Sulpice Vaudrey as Minister of the Interior in place of Pichereau! And all those Ministers of State who had promised to be present to hear Monsieur de Rosas at Madame Marsy's, fell from power with Pichereau.

Many of these, however, had brought to her salon some of the Athenians of the political world, connoisseurs, good conversationalists, handsome men, who freely declared with Vaudrey, that a republic could not exist without the assistance of women, that to women Orleanism was due, and those charming fellows had made Madame Marsy's hospitable salon the fashion.

"What favor, my dear fellow?" cried Vaudrey, his face lighting up with joy. "Anything in the world to please you." "I was in Madame Marsy's box, you do not know Madame Marsy? She is a great admirer of yours and makes a point to applaud you in the Chamber. She has prayed for your advent.

"Why, simply, my dear duke, because I am satisfied to love her as you have hitherto done and because I had, as I told you, the good fortune not to be her lover." "But you brought her to Madame Marsy's this evening?" "Oh! her uncle accompanied us, but I was there." "You offer your arm then to a woman whom, as you have just told me, you consider dangerous?"

Monsieur de Rosas decided, egged on a little by Guy de Lissac, to come and relate to Madame Marsy's friends his adventures in strange lands. The invitations to the soirée were already out. Madame Marsy had also obtained a promise from three Ministers of State that they would be present. She had spread the news far and wide.

Guy shrugged his shoulders as if he considered the matter perfectly ridiculous. He vaguely recalled that he had seen Marianne one evening at Madame de Marsy's smile at the Prefect of Police, that Jouvenet who flirted so agreeably with that pretty girl in a corner of the salon. And then, too, at the theatre, in Marianne's box, the prefect found his way.

They are our most severe critics, these friends of our youth, they who have listened to the stammering of our hopes and dreams of the future. And when at length we have conquered the future, these are often the very ones to rob us of it! Lissac, however, was not one of these envious ones. "Let us go to Madame Marsy's box, my dear Guy," said Sulpice.

" he added, as he broke the seal of another letter, containing a request for a loan on the part of someone richer than himself. The soirée at Sabine Marsy's had caused Vaudrey to feel something like the enervation that follows intoxication.

I am to go to Madame Marsy's?" "To Madame Marsy's. I will have an invitation sent you." "And I will call for you and take you. Yes, I, here, like a jolly companion. Or I'll go with my uncle. You will present me to Rosas. We shall see if he recognizes me." She burst out laughing.

To-day, it is through the reporters that one learns news of one's friends." "The important fact is that you know him, and it is because I am particularly anxious to hear Monsieur de Rosas that I come to ask you to present me at Madame Marsy's." "Oh! that is it?" Guy began. "Yes, that is it. I am weary. I am crazy over the Orient.

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