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"What's the joke?" demanded a bullet-headed, black-eyed boy who sat near. "What, didn't I tell you, Dimsdale? Keep it close, won't you? You see that chap with the eyeglass next to Grover. That's Railsford, our new master Marky, I call him. He's engaged to Daisy, you know, my sister. Regular soup-ladles they are." Here Dig once more laughed beyond the bounds of discretion.

Caroline said I had lost the money: though I didn't remember a syllable about the business. I had taken Deuceace's money, too; but then it was because he offered it to me you know, and that's a different thing. Every one of these chaps was a man of fashion and honor; and the marky and the countess of the first families in France.

No, be hanged to it, it was swep off in another way. One night, at the countess's, there was several of us at supper Mr. Bloundell-Bloundell, the Honorable Deuceace, the Marky de la Tour de Force all tip-top nobs, sir, and the height of fashion, when we had supper, and champagne, you may be sure, in plenty, and then some of that confounded brandy.

No; what afflicted them, and plunged them into a sea of wrath and misery, was the report circulated that morning and confirmed by reliable testimony, that Marky was going to leave Grandcourt. At first they could not credit it. But when Ainger himself, with a long face, confirmed it, they were forced to believe their ears. "Why?" they asked. But Ainger had nothing to tell them on that score.

"We may get into a row for it," said Arthur. "I don't care. It'll show him up and be a real leg-up for Marky. Look alive now, and come and put it back in his room." So they sallied up once more and carefully replaced the parcel exactly where they had found it, and then, rejoicing exceedingly, dodged down again.

How do you know I am not telling you a lie now?" Arthur winced once more. He would have preferred if Railsford had given him one hundred lines for daring to suspect him, and had done with it. "I say," said he, "you needn't tell them at home, Marky. I know I was a cad, especially when you were such a brick that night at the abbey, and I'll never do it again.

You're not going to care two straws what he says?" "All very well," said Arthur, stroking his puppy; "if he sends me up to Pony, what then?" "Bless you, he won't send you up to Pony." "Think not? If I thought he wouldn't, I'd hang on till Marky comes back. He'd square the thing." "Of course he would. It's a bit of spite of Ainger's.

"What the horses o' Kansas think to-day, the horses of America will think to-morrow; an' I tell you that when the horses of America rise in their might, the day o' the Oppressor is ended." There was a pause, till Rick said, with a little grunt: "Ef you put it that way, every one of us has riz in his might, 'cep' Marcus, mebbe. Marky, 'j ever rise in yer might?"

"Who are they?" asked his neighbour, laughing. But Arthur was at that moment busy attracting the attention of all his friends within call, and indicating to them in pantomimic gesture what was going on. "Oh," said he, hearing the question at last, "that's Marky, our house- master, you know; and he's spoons on my sister Daisy just see how they're going it. Do you want to be introduced to my sister?

The platform, as usual, was full of Courtiers waiting for their "people," and many was the passage of arms our Shell-fish engaged in to beguile the time. "Hullo! here's a lark," said Arthur, presently, when the arrival bell had just sounded, "here's Marky do you see him? I say! won't he blush when Daisy goes and kisses him before all the fellows!"