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McGowan, he was sorry to say, who was building the masonry, had attempted an overcharge which only Mr. Minott's watchful eye could have detected, adding, with a glance over his shoulder, that the collapse of the embankment had undermined the contractor's reputation quite as much as the freshet had his culvert, at which MacFarlane smiled but made no reply.

Macfarlane put up a quick hand to free himself, for the grip was painful. "He wasn't a friend of yours, I suppose? He wouldn't have been putting up there if he had been." "No, no; not a friend." The words came jerkily. Merryon was breathing in great spasms that shook him from head to foot.

Soon Macfarlane handed a little pile of gold to his companion. 'A compliment, he said. 'Between friends these little d-d accommodations ought to fly like pipe-lights. Fettes pocketed the money, and applauded the sentiment to the echo. 'You are a philosopher, he cried. 'I was an ass till I knew you. You and K- between you, by the Lord Harry! but you'll make a man of me.

"The auld pagan's a fine scholar," added Macfarlane meditatively. "He corrected me in a bit o' Latin." "Did he, indeed?" And Lorimer laughed indolently. "I suppose you think better of him now, Sandy?" Sandy made no reply, and as Errington persisted in turning the conversation away from the merits or demerits of their recent guests, they soon entered on other topics.

Then again he wanted a chance to look the boy over under fire, "size him up," in his own vocabulary. He might need his help later on. "Oh, we don't own a foot of it, don't want to. If Mr. MacFarlane decides to " "I'm not talking about MacFarlane's job; I'm talking about your own property, the Cumberland ore property, the one your father left you. You haven't sold it, have you?"

Yet these were only secondary thoughts. His first concern regarded Wolfe. Unprepared for a challenge so momentous, he knew not how to look his comrade in the face. He durst not meet his eye, and he had neither words nor voice at his command. It was Macfarlane himself who made the first advance. He came up quietly behind and laid his hand gently but firmly on the other's shoulder.

He went over the original papers with me, and about all he said was, 'Be in Gaston by two o'clock this afternoon, and MacFarlane will give you the hearing in chambers. I went on my knees to the Federative Council to get a train." "You shouldn't have had any trouble there." "I didn't have, after the men understood what was in the wind. Jarl Oleson took me down and brought me back.

Then again, no man understood tunnel construction better than Henry MacFarlane, C.E., Member of the American Society of Engineers, Fellow of the Institute of Sciences, etc., etc. Nor was there ever an engineer more careful of his men. Indeed, it was his boast that he had never lost a life by a premature discharge in the twenty years of his experience.

Her agonized eyes flew to his full of passionate gratitude to hear him defend himself. His scorn both abased and overjoyed her. Her heart knew. None of the others recognized what was passing in those glances. Macfarlane took a step forward. "Here! Leave Miss Gaviller out of this!" he said harshly. Ambrose did not look at him, but his hand clenched ready to strike.

Another lesson at the Lord Advocate's, and I hope to be equal to the emergency." The Lord Advocate agreed in all points with Mr. MacFarlane as to the legal chances of keeping the property; and although he thought it a very quixotic thing to give it up, Francis was determined on that subject.