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One morning as he was eating his luncheon with the servants the door opened and the mayor of the commune, Maitre Chicot, appeared, followed by a soldier wearing a black copper-pointed helmet. Saint Anthony bounded to his feet and his servants all looked at him, expecting to see him slash the Prussian. But he merely shook hands with the mayor, who said: "Here is one for you, Saint Anthony.

I had just received this intelligence when M. Gougenot, the King's maitre d'hotel and receiver-general of the taxes, a man much attached to his sovereign, came into my room wrapped in a ridingcloak, under which, with great difficulty, he carried the King's portfolio, which I had entrusted to him.

" And what is a poor man to think when a cow dies like that, from no reason whatever," murmured one of the humblest of the country cousins. "M. le curé can say what he likes about there being no witches!" "Have you seen the future of le petit de Victor? They call her beautiful, I am told, in England, but " "Victor is growing old, Maître Leboeuf. He looked quite old in church "

At the time when he had little or nothing to do, and when Madame Le Maître had left Cloud Island, Caius would have been glad enough to go and explore the other islands, or to luxuriate again in the cookery of the old maids at the inn at which he had first been housed. Two considerations kept him from this holiday-taking.

Je suis Jean d'Aragon, grand maître d'Avis, Dans l'exil, fils proscrit d'un père assassiné Par sentence du tien, roi Carlos de Castille. Ont le droit de tomber couvertes devant toi!

Cousin Maria's success was unexplained so long as she simply stood there with her little familiar, comforting, upward gaze, talking in coaxing cadences, with exactly the same manner she had brought ten years ago from California, to a tall, bald, bending, smiling young man, evidently a foreigner, who had just come in and whose name Raymond had not caught from the lips of the maître d'hôtel.

"Of our habitans!" ejaculated Jules, with an air of consternation. "Precisely! don't interrupt me!" Maitre Guillot grew red about the gills in an instant. Jules was silenced. "I have said it!" cried he; "two hams of our habitans! what have you to say against it stock fish, eh?"

"I was thinking what a fine coup de maitre it would be for his Highness to gather in all these pretty slips of parchment given under the hand of Leopold." "Small matter if he should. I should pay him." The king sat down. "And it is news to me that Josef can get together five millions." "He has friends, rich and powerful friends." "No matter, I should pay him." "Are you quite sure?"

You are requested to return it to the mayor's office at once or to Maitre Fortune Houlbreque, of Manneville. There will be twenty francs reward." Then the man went away. They heard once more at a distance the dull beating of the drum and the faint voice of the crier.

He offered the cup and trencher to Maitre Pierre with a blush in his cheek, and a humiliation of countenance which endeavoured to disguise itself under an embarrassed smile. "You are a foolish young man," said Maitre Pierre, "and know as little of women as of princes, whose hearts," he said, crossing himself devoutly, "God keeps in his right hand."