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Your most faithful v.B. Hohenmauth, Monday, September 7, '66. Do you remember, sweetheart, how we passed through here nineteen years ago, on the way from Prague to Vienna? No mirror showed the future then, nor in 1852, when I went over this railway with good Lynar. How strangely romantic are God's ways!

From this hour he shall be compelled to acknowledge that he was mistaken, and that it is for him to implore your pardon. Anna Leopoldowna, I love no one in the world but you, and therefore I am ready to do all that love can do for you. I will marry Count Lynar for the purpose of preserving you from suspicion and slander.

Her eyes gradually filled with tears, which slowly rolled down her cheeks and fell upon her hands. She was startled by the falling of these warm, glowing drops. She was thinking of Lynar, of the distant, warmly-desired one, to whom she would gladly have devoted her whole existence, but to whom she could belong only through falsehood.

Oh, I would be left for at least a quarter of an hour undisturbed in my unhappiness." "Then it is quite true that you intend to drive me away?" asked Count Lynar, kneeling and clasping her hands. "You are determined to send me into banishment?" Anna gave him a glance of tenderness. "No," said she, "I will send myself into banishment, for I shall not see you dearest.

Good-night, my beloved; good-night, Lynar!" With a happy smile she reclined upon her couch, and soon slumbered. At this moment the clock in the next chamber struck the twelfth hour. Slowly and solemnly resounded the tones of the striking clocks that announced the midnight. At this same hour a lively movement commenced in the palace of the Princess Elizabeth.

Possibly Heaven may send me a pleasant dream, and I may see my Lynar! But no, I must first go to Ivan, to ascertain whether his slumber is tranquil." With hasty steps she repaired to the adjacent chamber, which was that of the young emperor. There all was still. Before the door opening upon the corridor she heard the regular step of the soldier on guard.

Ah, it was only that I might have the power to recall Lynar to my side! I would and must be regent, that I might demand the return of Lynar as ambassador from Warsaw. That gave me courage and decision; that enabled me to overcome all timidity and anxiety. I thought only of him, and when the end was attained, when I was declared regent, the first exercise of my power was to recall Lynar to Court.

Julia gratefully glanced up to the heavens, and her eyes filled with tears. "I thank you, princess," she then said, with a happy smile. "I now have courage for all. You shall now be enabled to love your Lynar without fear or trembling, and your husband's clouded brow and reproaching tongue shall molest us no more. Confide in me and ask no questions. It is all decided and arranged in my mind.

There, this day, are Richelieu with one Sporcken a Hanoverian, and one Lynar a Dane, rapidly finishing a thing they were pleased to call "Convention of Kloster-Zeven;" which Friedrich regarded as another huge misfortune fallen on him, though it proved to have been far the reverse a while after.

Then I drank some very good wine, and sat long talking with Lynar on the balcony, with the Rhine beneath us. My little Testament and the starry heavens brought us on Christian topics, and I long shook at the Rousseau-like virtue of his soul." "Yesterday I was at Wiesbaden, and with a feeling of melancholy revisited the scenes of former folly.